Top 5 - World Cup

I just dont want Australia to win this World Cup…
Top 5 reasons are given below…
1.I dont like sledging…Sledging is synonymous with Australians
2.Its boring to see the same team win again and again and again…
3.They are taking the Ugly Australian tag a bit too seriously…
4.They are too methodical…This is killing the unpredictable nature of the game
5.They pushed Sharad Pawar from the podium…Not tht I care,but I wasnt getting a fifth reason. Top 5 - World CupSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend
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The Department…

Right now I am in the Department…..Not the Police department…,the mech dept…This post only to remind me tht sometimes even the dept has net access… The Department…SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend
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Farewell video…

Remember the farewell I wrote about(I am hoping against hope that you read my blog regularly…)

Well the video is available for download….HERE

Its a 68 Mb file…but trust me(a little difficult,I know) its worth every byte…

Update: The YOUTUBE link is here…Now enjoy the video in streaming…

Farewell video…SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend
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Dear Reader…Pls read this post if you are in Engg…If you are not in engg.,better not read this coz…coz…well…coz it will sound like crap!(Not tht my other posts sound any better)

All this time in engg. I had wondered what was the Black book all about??(I hope you have seen those Black Books in the Library…If you have been to the library that is!!)
Kab woh din aayega jab mein black book submit karoonga??
Guess what? woh din aa gaya!
Have my Project vivas this thursday…

Had to dedicate atleast one post for the project we did(did??) in the last yr of engg.

Our topic is supposed to be”modeling the supply chain

This project was to be completed within the last 1 year…we did it in the last 1 day…actually last 3 days…

After a lot of copying and pasting,we finally completed the Hurculean task…

I only have to get the binding and the embossing done.Once tht is done we will be free from the clutches of our guide…I am so gonna miss him.NOT!

That Black Book with Golden Embossing..SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend
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This post is just to tell you that you have to watch this movie…CITY OF GOD

Dont miss it if its your friends wedding(and dont tell me ABHI-ASH are your friends)

Dont even miss it if its your own wedding(and DONT tell me you are ABHI or ASH…)

In short…one of the best movies of its times,dont miss it!!
Guess its on at Huma(kanjurmarg) 8.30 pm

CITY OF GOD…SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend
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300…teen sau…

Read this hilarious post by greatbong here


300…teen sau…SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend
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Have a look at the counter that I have placed on my side bar….Scroll down….down….below Meta….

Yeah tht pink number….It shows a four digit no….doesnt it?

Thanks to you readers I have completed 1000 hits…..Not that I get a prize for completing 1000 hits or anything….Its just tht it feels good tht there are people who take time out to read my ramblings….

It feels even better when you dont have high expectations….When you are on the wrong side of Murphy,you dont have high expectations(read here what Murphy thinks about me…)

I started this blog on Jan 19…..its been 3 months ….90 days….1000 hits….You do the math…

Thanks for being there guys! Keep reading….

1000 hitsSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend
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