Jun 29
the 3 mistakes of my life...

I finished reading Chetan Bhagat’s new offering “The 3 mistakes of my life”. It’s the story of one Govind Patel, a 25 yr old businessman. The story is set in Ahmedabad. Chetan’s story telling abilities come to the fore as he takes the story through different different episodes, spanning three years or so…
Like Govind would say -
Its a straight 6!..

Editor in chief Arshat Chaudhary
Current Issues: 3 mistakes of my life, 5 point someone, chetan bhagat
Unknown said...
hey actually i just read 100 pages of 3 mistakes and uptill now i didnt read 5 point some one :(
But in short chetan bhagat roxs but in future whenever i will get time i will read chetan bhagat's book.
I dont what things will happen after govind started teaching vidya and took her to bookshop
mala vachu de :D
but chetan bhagat writes in very simple language
in short ur comparision between 5 point and 3 mistakes is good
Srinivas said...
hmm..seems to be a good book,noted!
aroop said...
the 3 mistakes of my life are the 3 books i have read in my long 22 years of being alive
1)Journey to the centre of the earth
2)Harry Potter
no offence, those books were great, but make a movie man..
3 hours in a comfy seat swapped for long hours on the bed in dim light, rolling over and over until your back can't feel anything..
and please don't throw the books are better than movies..
i can fight abt it all night long, but the forte of my verdict, is that a movie lets the writer realise his imagination and the chance that ur imagination which may be way off than what the writer intended is negated..
Arshat Chaudhary said...
Read it, you will love it.. esp since u havent read 5 point.. :)
@ sri
Wrong man u chose to fight mate.. I wont need all night to make a point here..
1.Forrest Gump : Read the book then see the movie.. The movie is a malnutritioned version of the book.. The only saving grace in the movie is Hanks.
2.Catch me if you can: The movie is not even half as interesting as the book.
I can go on with such examples..
I think tweaking with the story is no way to justify the director's incapability to do justice to a book..
Like they say in Crossword -
Dont judge a book by its movie...
I rest my case..
aroop said...
and i say yet again.. it's a mental block in people when they say the movie is not as good as the book,
movies can be just as good and even better and can be very poathetic too.. but you have to view the movies with an open mind..
when i go to a movie based on a book, the person who has read the book, always says" i know the books gonna be better but i thought i'd watch it"
why watch it then, when you have a preconcieved notion..
Arshat Chaudhary said...
I dont think ts mental block or anything.. Like in my case, I saw "Catch me if you can"-The movie, before i read the book..
I liked the movie, but then I read the book and I realised they had done little justice to the book.. The movie could have been so much better..
aroop said...
then get ur lazy ass off the seat and make a better movie.. :P
Arshat Chaudhary said...
Yeah.. We will mate..We will
soni said...
hey i have read your this novel it was seriously amazing i like it very much and by going hrough this novel now i will read your some more novel i hope they will be too interesting and congrates about your movie realizing on 3 mistakes of my life