Apr 27
To prove a point…
The best feeling in the world is to prove the world wrong!
-Arshat chaudhary
This post is important for all those guys who want to know how achievers think…
There is a girl in my class who got selected for the interview at Schlumberger..
There are very few girls whom I rate so highly…She was in a bit of dilemma(or so I thought)…
She has two companies in her kitty already…SLB would be the third if she makes it…
She has a score of 1480 in GRE…and A GPA of over 8.0…This guarantees a seat in the best univ. in the US
She scored 99.32% in CET this yr..This makes her elligible for Jamnalal Bajaj(one of the top coll in the country)
She was a merit ranker in SSC
She is a NTSE topper(tht makes her one of the best in the country)
I asked her if she was confused with so many choices to make…
She: Not at all…
Me: So what do you plan to do after BE?
She: Job,obviously!
Me: Then why give GRE,CET?
She: To make a point!!
Me: To make a point??Whom do you wanna make a point to???
She: To my parents…To my friends
Why does she feel like tht??Hasnt she made a point already??
She has made many points!! She has made a line!!
Still she cant let go!!
Why cant people let go? Relax a little…enjoy the scenery…lift the foot off the pedal a bit??
After all that we have achieved we still want to prove a point…
Hope one day we can start living for ourselves…
P.S.-This post is not to prove her right or wrong…This post is to give the readers a insight into the minds of the best in the city
Btw,I endorse her view…but cant help feeling guilty in the process.
I guess we were not just born to kick butt,top every exam,crack every interview…
I hope there is a day in my life when satisfaction would overcome desire…Waiting for that day…

Editor in chief Arshat Chaudhary
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