Mar 04
Pulp Fiction…
Warning…This is a post not many might like…But what the heck,its my blog and I can speak my mind
Ok..I do agree tht I am no art connoisseur and maybe I dont understand the complexity of film-making,or maybe I am used to conventional form of narration….maybe….But thts not gonna prevent me from blasting this movie PULP FICTION…The movie sucked…big time…
I am after tht Tarantino guy who directed(co-wrote…bloody idiot) tht bloody movie…. He wasted 2 hrs of my life…Had I been a law student I wud have had sued him for losses amounting to atleast 125 rupees(I could ask for more) for causing brain damage.I am also after travolta,samuel jackson,uma thurman,bruce willis(a perfect eg of naam bade aur darshan chote!)
The movie is a black comedy directed in a highly stylized manner and employing many pop culture touches, Pulp Fiction weaves through the intersecting storylines of Los Angeles gangsters, fringe characters, petty thieves, and a mysterious attache case.-Wikipedia
I guess Tarantino himself wrote this review,then he himself got PF nominated for academy awards,and then himself voted for the movie and won….What I dont like is the fact tht it doesnt make sense….the stories are disjointed,the actors are disoriented,the viewers are stupid…tht includes me too. But I watched it coz IMDB voted it as one of the better movies….also my friends and cousins created the much needed hype…I really regret watching the movie…
On a pleasent note…for all you guys who watched the movie and liked it maybe you should watch CRASH….you will really like it or even better watch this Indian movie(its in english) Flavours probably the best of the lot as far as narration goes…

Editor in chief Arshat Chaudhary
Current Issues: bruce willis, CRASH, Flavours, PULP FICTION, samuel jackson, Tarantino, travolta, uma thurman