
In love with Siddharth ashara...

Siddharth ashara aka sid aka Bhai(meant in the gujju sense) is ur usual
gujju...God damn witty,super memory,very funny,one of my best friends...
So,this is about him,about sid...
This guy has a 70% agg.,still found it difficult to get placed,tht too
in a coll called SPCE!!!(read the interview below and u will know why!)

Well,hes got placed in Reliance(is tht a surpise??)
His interview is what Adam Sandler movies are made of!!

Interviewer:Tell me somethin about yourself...
Sid: Hi! I am Siddharth...studing in blah blah..usual stuff...

Now the fun begins..

Interviewer:What does siddharth mean?
Sid:Gautam Buddha!
Int:Who was Buddha?
Int:How did he become God??
Sid:He did paschyatap(??)..no,no,he did tapasya...
Int:What is the diff bet nuclear reactor and nuc bomb
sid:I dont know...

after some more Tech ques...

Int:What all places have u visited in India?
Int:where in India,is kashmir
sid: Top pe!(??)
Int:where is punjab?
sid: Uske niche!(??)
Int:Where is U.P.?
sid: Uske niche...
Int: sab ek ke niche ek?? aaju-bajju mein kuch hai ki nahi???
Sid:Sir,aap sab ek ke niche ek pooch rahe ho!!

And guess what? Sid got selected!! Tht too along with Vinayak desai and
siddhant pawar(thes two r the gods of SP!)

I m guessing Sid is blood related to Dhirubhai...If not then the people
at RELIANCE are in LOVE with Siddharth Ashara... In love with Siddharth ashara...SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

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4 letters to the editor:

    whatte interview!!!!!

    whatte interview!!!!!

    awesum post man....vintage Bhai....

    yeah..whatte interview

    bhai rocks!