Siddharth ashara aka sid aka Bhai(meant in the gujju sense) is ur usual
gujju...God damn witty,super memory,very funny,one of my best friends...
So,this is about him,about sid...
This guy has a 70% agg.,still found it difficult to get placed,tht too
in a coll called SPCE!!!(read the interview below and u will know why!)
Well,hes got placed in Reliance(is tht a surpise??)
His interview is what Adam Sandler movies are made of!!
Interviewer:Tell me somethin about yourself...
Sid: Hi! I am Siddharth...studing in blah blah..usual stuff...
Now the fun begins..
Interviewer:What does siddharth mean?
Sid:Gautam Buddha!
Int:Who was Buddha?
Int:How did he become God??
Sid:He did paschyatap(??)..no,no,he did tapasya...
Int:What is the diff bet nuclear reactor and nuc bomb
sid:I dont know...
after some more Tech ques...
Int:What all places have u visited in India?
Int:where in India,is kashmir
sid: Top pe!(??)
Int:where is punjab?
sid: Uske niche!(??)
Int:Where is U.P.?
sid: Uske niche...
Int: sab ek ke niche ek?? aaju-bajju mein kuch hai ki nahi???
Sid:Sir,aap sab ek ke niche ek pooch rahe ho!!
And guess what? Sid got selected!! Tht too along with Vinayak desai and
siddhant pawar(thes two r the gods of SP!)
I m guessing Sid is blood related to Dhirubhai...If not then the people
at RELIANCE are in LOVE with Siddharth Ashara...

Editor in chief Arshat Chaudhary
Current Issues:
anN-series said...
whatte interview!!!!!
anN-series said...
whatte interview!!!!!
Abhijit V. Deshpande said...
awesum post man....vintage Bhai....
Arshat Chaudhary said...
yeah..whatte interview
bhai rocks!