Feb 01
Last few weeks have been the best weeks of my college life!
There may be many reasons for this new found enthusiasm in my life...
The most profound reason,I think,is the fact tht this is my last sem at SP...
After few weeks(12 to be precise)there will be no lectures...After about 17
weeks I would get my degree...B.E.(mech).
Seems like yesterday when I got admitted to SPCE.I remember the date too-20
oct 2003!
It was the 5th(last) round of admissions.I took the second-last seat(Hitesh
Joshi took the last of SP mech).I remember cracking jokes to lighten the
mood.Sid Ashara(he took the 3rd last seat) seemed indifferent to those
jokes,proably coz they were 'silly' as compared to his level!
I remember asking him wether he was a merit ranker coz he had a stiff upper
lip.I also felt that he was of the serious types!
I bonded better with sid than Hitesh inspite of the fact tht I n Hitesh knew each other for the last one month.
The next day,Sid reached coll before me(actually everyone reaches before
me...I m always late),I saw him sitting on the first bench! "God! this dude
is really sincere," I thought to myself!
I cudnt be wronger(if there is a word like tht)...Next day he shifted to the second bench,then to the third!Kept shifting till we reached the last bench!
Tht last bench became our fav place..We liked the last bench more than we
liked the canteen..
I never really liked coll...U dont like coll when u hav to travel 4 hrs
everyday.The lectures,assignments,tutorials etc.make sure you curb your
The lectures were kinda funny though,Sid cracking jokes at every lecturers
I believe tht 20yrs from now,I am still going to remember these pieces of
Life is full of experiences,isnt it? Good or Bad they add on to your
nostalgia,slowly but surely!

Editor in chief Arshat Chaudhary
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