Apr 14
The farewell
When the farewell got over,I felt a void…as if a part of me was missing…a sense of loss…still there was a sense of satisfaction….a sense of achievement…There was a time when I wanted to quit…now here I was….almost engineer!
There were times when I thought I had made a mistake getting admission here…I always felt like I was a misfit…Did I belong here?…Why people look forward to college??…Why do I have to change 2 trains to reach to college…?? Why even at 95% I didnt get into VJTI…?Why am I so drained out when I reach home?…Why is the local always crowded??
But yesterday all these questions did not plague me…I had different set of questions…Is it over already?? Why is it over?? It wasnt tht bad,was it??
All these feelings for my college??or were these feelings for my classmates??Was I going to miss my Profs…?
All this coming from a guy who rarely attended college…Infact my attendence in the past one year has been more than first 3 yrs combined…You wont find me in any of the group photos…maybe 1 or 2..but definately not more than that…
Maybe it was the worst thing tht happened to me…
Or maybe it was the best…
Now I know why people look forward to college…Now I know what people do in the college canteen,sitting for hours at a strech…
Misfit?? Maybe?? But I guess I am always gonna be a misfit…There are very few like me…right??
Where do I belong?? Here’s where I belong
Hearts cry as friends depart…
Want you to know tht only distances hold us apart…
Thank you for the memories….

Editor in chief Arshat Chaudhary
Current Issues: SPCE