
A F1 driver…

Let me tell you a story…It wont make sense at first,but pay attention and you will get what I wanna convey…

This is a story of a F1 driver,a F3 driver actually who got promoted to F1 coz of his amazing driving skills at the F3 level…lets call him-Armez Rosso…He drives a ..lets say Mcfaren…

This story is about the race of his life…To see if he wins it…read on…

About this race…This race has 32 laps(you could choose any multiple of 8)…
He doesnt get the pole…hes a good driver but cant compare him with the drivers at F1

Alright,the lights turn green…the race starts…he is currently placed behind all the good drivers…They are seasoned drivers,hes just a novice…”Not fair”,he says to himself…
4 laps pass,Armez manages to steer himself past some of the “seasoned” drivers…He finds a driver who probably has the same sensibilities as him…They ride together…He is a lot of fun to be with,thinks Armez.
4 more laps pass…smooth…hes still good…
4 more laps…no excitement…Armez starts losing interest…
Thts when the unthinkable happens…engine failure…pit stop…Mcfaren guys cant figure out the problem…
Lot of time has passed…Everyone has moved on…Only losers are left behind…Armez realises tht some of the drivers have dropped out of the race…He fears being dropped out…Finds some drivers who lend him a helping hand…They share their skills…feels better…Now the race not so much about winning as it is about proving the world wrong…Armez puts the pedal to the floor…Sharp corner…manages well…He is among the best again…The audience is in awe…

2 yrs have passed by…After 16 laps,Armez feels tired…Where are we going?We are just moving round and round!There is no time to think…Race…steer past tht Fellari…F**k u loser!!
End of Sem 5…Next 4 laps are tougher…Armez sweeps past…He wishes the race would end here…Why all this? for a trophy? He probably knows hes not gonna get tht anyway…But is it really tht imp for other drivers…

Placed in one of the best companies on campus…For a moment he feels he has won…The audience claps…Thankyou all…but again does it really matter?
Last year of Engg…Hes got really tired…his grey Mcfaren is covered with dust…but they wouldnt care less…armez shifts down a gear…the car seems smoother…the turning has improved…was he putting too much load on the car?? He could now see other drivers…they wave at him as he passes by…
Those fellow drivers whom he met after 4 sem are still by his side…He now calls them “friends”…They still want the trophy it seems…Armez is too cool to worry,I guess…Hes enjoying the scenery.The track seems familiar,the drivers seem familiar…The audience seems satisfied…They can still see the Mcfaren’s gleaming grey through all tht dust tht has accumulated on it over the years…The grey shines in the sunlight as he takes a turn…
He looks at the audience,they could have been anywhere in the world…but they chose to come here…”You have been a great crowd…Thank You all for coming out…”
He realises tht it wasnt about the trophy…It was about the Race…
Does tht mean he will race again? I dont think so…
And about who won the trophy…Does it really matter?

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