You know you are from Mumbai when.....

Stock market quotes are the only other thing besides cricket which you follow passionately.

You take fashion seriously.

You spend more time travelling than you send at home.

9:47 fast, means something to you.

u think tht delhi copied INDIA GATE frm mumbai's GATEWAY OF INDIA...

You're suspicious of strangers who are actually nice to you.

You consider eye contact an act of overt aggression.

Amitabh Bachans house is a landmark

When there's no place to breathe in the trains but there's place to play cards and sing bhajans!

You refer to the city as Mumbai and not Bombay .

You say that Pani Puri is waayy better than Gol Gappa's even when they're the same thing

Every three months you look at your street and say "Why're the digging the road again?"
You actually pay for your rickshaws by the meter.
You know what the term "video coach" stands for in the local trains...

"Gheun Tak" is your life ideology.

You aren't surprised when somebody throws a water balloon at you while you're walking on the streets during March.

you can only smile forgivingly about the size of any other city in the world.

Every time you speak Hindi in front of a Delhitite they have the WTF expression on their face.

When while giving directions you say "Right MARO aur wahan pe ek bridge GIREGA"
You have hung on to dear life at the local door.
When you think everyone who lives to the south(Mumbai) of you is a snob and to the north of you sucks

when u c movie names like "shootout at Lokhandwala" & 'Ek chalis ki last local" & don't have to ask what the name means

you consider the local train "empty" when you find a spot for your two feet to stand on.
when "chalta hai" is the most commonly used word
Everything to the north of Mumbai is UP-Bihar and everything below is Madras

if someone calls u "aap"-- u start laughing on their faces...

when you call the BEST bus, BST, even though BEST is painted on every single public transport bus operational in Bombay

It takes longer to get off from your house to the station than from one end of Mumbai to another by train.

Being truly alone makes you nervous.
Crorepati, Lakhpati, Hazarpati, Chillarpati all travel in local Trains daily-together!.
You have learnt how to stand in a queue
u treat mumbai as a country itself
when you actually see random people coming to help you when u have a problem
u want to get into the train already that is already in motion & u have 5 hands taking u in..
You are back to work next day after the city is bombed - Truly the spirit of Mumbai
When you allow complete strangers to spend the night in your house because its raining outside and half the city is submerged...
You know you are from Mumbai when....
Anonymous said...
THe last few points makes mumbai a place truly to live in. The first time i was in mumbai, I hated the city for i was cheated. The next time i liked it and today after reading your post i can say mumbai is a city any indian can live in.
HIREN aka lamda said...
awesome man..
har 1 line perfect hain...
gud wrk dude...
Arshat Chaudhary said...
Glad you like mumbai now..
@hiren aka lamda
thanks man..
nice to see you here :)
Anonymous said...
i have started loving mumbai now.. i will surely have a whale of a time there...
Nupur said...
Mumbai is also a place where there's place for everyone. Hope "PEOPLE" realize it before too many jail trips!
Arshat Chaudhary said...
too good :)
soumya said...
aap chaapu ho...[non-mumbaikar]...guess main kahaan ka ho
Arjun said...
all points r spot on.... except one...almost everyone i know who has been in bbay for years and years still call it BOMBAY, and NOT Mumbai... no matter what the effin' SS says... it was bombay when i got there at teh ge of 4... and its bombay to me today when i'm 27.
jotenko said...
"when you actually see random people coming to help you when u have a problem"
I am from Portugal and I was in Mumbai in Jaunary. That is so true. I was completely alone, but everytime I had a problem there was someone to help me. I can perfectly remember me, walking inside the airport, and this small man comes to me and says "Do you need help?" ahahah He took my bags and did everything for me.
I was in front of Ghandi's house and you can feel the power in that place. Comparing to Lisbon, Mumbai is so different. I was so surprised to the fact that, the city, indeed NEVER sleeps.
Arshat Chaudhary said...
umm.. Delhi?
hmm.. good point
@Joao Pedro
wow! Its good to hear that from a foreigner. :)
Sameer said...
Very nice points