Ever wondered how these profs set the question papers? well this is how-
Prof 1:There is no fun in our life!
Prof 2:(disinterested) ya!
Prof 1:Can we do something to make it interesting?
Prof 2:(disinterested)Nope
Prof 1:yes we can! What do you say we set a really difficult paper for sem 8 students? Isnt tht FUN?!! I know…we can set the complete paper out of syllabus
Prof 3 overhears the conversation
Prof 3: You know,setting questions out of the syllabus is not allowed in mumbai university
Prof 1:Who cares??
Prof 3:If you set such a paper you will be thrown out of the University
Prof 1: er..on second thought…maybe tht is not so much fun…I know…we can set questions which are least expected by the student fraternity…Or maybe we will twist the easy questions in such a way tht they become unsolveable…or/and we could have some critical data missing in the problem so tht students waste time racking their brains…are you with me Prof 2?
Prof 2:(disinterested)ya
Prof 1:are you with me Prof 3?
Prof 3:I dont think thts very smart…Prof 2? you approve of this plan?
Prof 2: (disinterested)whatever!
RAC was a not so good…Last 3 papers to go!

Editor in chief Arshat Chaudhary
Current Issues: mumbai, SPCE, university
Anonymous said...
This is my first visit here, but I will be back soon, because I really like the way you are writing, it is so simple and honest