Sep 05
A hero is born...
Today was one of the rare instances when I stood up and applauded a cricket player...
I dont remember the last time I was so exhilarated after watching a cricket match...There is still a high amount of adrenaline flowing through my veins as i write this post. Its been only 10 mins after Robin hit the winning boundary...
Robin Uthappa...! What a hero! Just goes to show what one man's conviction can do. Ever since he came on to bat, there was a strange belief in his eyes....Strange, not coz its strange for a player to believe tht he can cause a turnaround....Strange coz, we dont find tht belief in any player anymore...
(There is a reason I didnt title this post as "A star is born" on to know why....)

I dont know how many times we are gonna watch his winning stroke off Broad...But every time we do, it will make us applaud the fearlessness of this 21 yr old... He did not win the man of the match award...But in my books, Robin Uthappa is the Man of this match...
Hope he keeps up the good work. Hope he does not waste 3 overs for 6 runs to get to his century. Coz if he does, he might get the man-of-the-match award, he will be the star...but he will miss being the hero!
.....And they say that a hero could save us im not gonna stand here and wait
...oh hold on to the wings of a hero watches the hope fly away
- NICKLEBACK - hero (spiderman soundtrack)

Editor in chief Arshat Chaudhary
Current Issues: hero, NICKLEBACK, Robin Uthappa, spiderman
Anonymous said...
this was ad i came down wrote a really long comment and this net does it all "Failed to open the page".
It was a good post. The difference between ""STAR" and "HERO" is indeed praise worthy.
Can you tell me how you got that indian flag before your URL name.
Abhijit V. Deshpande said...
Good post man, but 1 sentence of urs offended me.. it seems u are trying to taunt the GR8 One himself... which I resent..if u watched the match closely, the no.3 player made all the mess with 15 balls for 1 run...Sachin didnt hv to play that shot which he did to get out..he could hv actually took 3 overs to get his 6 runs... so next time u wanna say nething against Sachin, make sure u block me fm viewing it...coz I aint a big fan of such ppl....(with all due respect to our friendship, i can get pretty mad abt such an issue.... i almost had a fight wid Apte also abt the same issue sumtime now u knw how much i support Sachin..)
And if u wanna draw a line between Star and Hero... pick another character...coz Sachin falls in a different category... the one which is spelled like... "GOD"
Anonymous said...
I am not trying to taunt Sachin.He has never been(and will never be) a part of this blog...
How was it No. 3's mistake if his partner wudnt run?
And about blocking you frm viewing it, turn to Orkut, it has a comm called I hate Sachin and many other such Sachin bashing comms.Wht r u gonna do about them?
But I am not a Sachin hater, I feel respect for the man...He is synonymous with India as is Taj Mahal...Played some fine I am no fan...
You definitely are...To each his own.
I think its a very trivial issue to lose your friendship over.
I stand by what I I always have...
I rest my case.
Abhijit V. Deshpande said...
man, i ain't trying to jeopardise our friendship... just that it pisses me off when ppl make passes at Sachin... critics, fans, and the worst of them all, Media.... y cant they let him be...? hes running his body ragged for the nation, and still they wont let him have his peace.....i just cant understand that... whatever it is, just remember 1 thing...
Form is temporary, but Class is permanent....
Anonymous said...
Its a heavy price celebrities are made to pay... The bigger the celebrity, the heavier is the price..
But like you said, "Class is permanent, form temporary". Sachin will always be one of the classiest players India has two ways about it..
Anonymous said...
i ,liked this post... i definitely like this kid a lot.. though he dint do well in the world cup, he sure has a lot of talent.. and hey its been a long time arshat...
Abhijit V. Deshpande said...
actually, i meant...Form (as in admission form) is just temporary....but class (as in 1st class, distinction, etc.) is
Anonymous said...
just tagged you ... check my blog...
Vadapoche said...
He's got a great future!
Arshat Chaudhary said...
Thanks mate..
he sure has..