
Cricket in the rain......

Last week Mumbai got its first rains. We were playing cricket when it started to rain.. We continued to play in the rain. The musings (calling this a poem will be like calling Sunny deol a pole dancer..)below tht I have tried being poetic at are inspired from that evening and many other such evenings.
The ground I am talking about here is the Esis ground, though it isnt very big, its to me what Eden is to Ganguly. Its my home ground(in the true sense.. Its just outside my house..).

More Lightening More rain...


I love this ground... I have been here many years around..
I have played a zillion games here u know, I have a million bruises on my knee to show..

Love this ground more, when it rains and pours..
Its raining now and its good as it gets, mud rain grass and sweat..

(chorus)More Lightening more rain..
No pain, No pain(chorus)

Its a war here, am covered with cuts and scratches..
Take all those catches kid..coz Catches win matches..

Run saved, elbow bruised, I dont bowl a wide

Every ball bowled sends shivers (sic!) down their spine

(chorus)More Lightening more rain..
No pain, No pain(chorus)

I bowl with the aim at your heart.. The ball just skids off the wet pitch fast..
Bulls eye..Skid, slip hes on the ground.. Dont mess with me son, Right arm around..

Fast i m bowling ...130s down your throat..okay?
The ball kisses the stump off the ground.. It a wicket.. Die another day..

(chorus)More Lightening more rain..
No pain, No pain(chorus)

I am burning inside, the cold rain turns to steam,
When I run in to bowl, they say its a dream..

Is it sweat or is it rain?
I have been running from ages now, m drained.. m drained..

(chorus)More Lightening more rain..
No pain, No pain(chorus)

Ran the first run quickly, turn for the second one..
Gods seem to be watching, thunder on every run

The pitch is now slippery, as slippery as grease..
I still come down the wicket boy, I wont stay behind the crease..

(chorus)More Lightening more rain..
No pain, No pain(chorus)

Dancing down the wicket, to the pitch of the ball
you can catch the ball on the boundary dude, but u gotta be 13 feet tall

Over the top in the air the ball outta ground..
A lightening just strikes then, the second time around..

(chorus)More Lightening more rain..
No pain, No pain(chorus)

Inswing, out swing they all get hammered..
This match is just swinging our way, just the way we plannered..

I am what I am.. I try my best...
I got Reebok printed, right across my chest...

(chorus)More Lightening more rain..
No pain, No pain(chorus)

Strike here and a strike there, the winning runs get scored..
The opponents arent gonna play the next game, man they r sore..

Handshakes all around, well played mate..
off field we arent blood thirsty, we sure can be friends..

(chorus)More Lightening more rain..
No pain, No pain(chorus)


Post match chat:
Boy 1: kal aa raha hai kya?
Boy 2: nahi be.. exam hai
Boy 1: Shit! tera shirt dekh.. kitna dirty ho gaya hai..
Boy 2: Mummy daategi re..
Boy 1: Mujhe toh ghar ke andar bhi nahi lenge.. I just hope mujhe kapde na dhone bole!
Boy 2: hehehe.. Best of luck with that!

Dedicated to everyone who has played on the Esis ground: Pranay-Abhi, sonu-monu, babloo-papu, Deepak, sid-viraj, Prekshit-Apekshit, Swapnil, Abhishek, Tanay, Faraz-Sarim, Chetan, Pakshi, Tinu-Debu, sudhir, girish, swanand-pintu, tejas, pranav, rajas
Adding my cousins who have played a fair deal of matches on this ground: Aroop-chotu
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13 letters to the editor:

    On June 11, 2008 at 9:04 AM     
    Srinivas said...

    Looks like SRK/Preity Zinta/Vijay Mallay will start IPRL(I--P----Rain L--)...very good poem..its not sunny, its Tanisha!!!Happy?

    On June 11, 2008 at 8:06 PM     
    Unknown said...

    aaaawwww.......that was so cute :)

    and u seem to have put in quite an effort at making the entire poem rhyme (even when u had to use words like "plannered") :)

    but i liked the convo at the end the best....boys will be boys, nahin?

    Yeah, very happy :)
    You have a thing for Tanisha, dont u?

    I was so wishing tht u wudnt catch tht "plannered" thingy..
    Arre bahut effort dala hai.. It took me almost 3 days to come up with it.. Yeah thts how talented I am :P

    arhst bhai..
    mast likha hain be..
    i remembered our days in spce..
    yaad hain???
    apun log khelte the grnd pe..
    maza aati thi yaar...
    1ce again v shuld all try 2 gather up & play 1ce..
    it'll b fun..
    (i wanna watch hagru bowl.. kya mast style tha na uska.. ;-))

    On June 13, 2008 at 10:23 AM     
    Anonymous said...

    i tried singing the song.. dint come out well... nice detailed post on the fav ground

    On June 14, 2008 at 12:31 AM     
    Unknown said...

    "its to me what Eden is to Ganguly"
    too good re
    Poem is also good
    after Last conversation i coudnt stop laughing :D :D

    @hiren aka lambda:
    Haan re.. so much fun tht was.. hahaha.. hagru was a cross betn harbhajan and murali!! :P
    Kabhi toh kelte hain.. sure thing mate.. count me in!!

    You sing?? Man! You are the guy I was looking for all these years.. Time to cut my new album with me as the lyricist and you as the vocalist! :)

    thanks mate.. Tht last convo is inspired from real life re!! :P

    On June 15, 2008 at 9:29 PM     
    aroop said...

    dude, you don't know whats it like to play football in the rain..

    all great footballers have said that football is better than sex..

    and btw me and chotu have played our fair share on that esis ground which imho is more suited to football..

    "football is better than sex.." Oh really? Now I understand why you are still single :P
    Football in the rain is fun too.. Though I m not too good at it.. It wud help if someone like u can be on our side :)

    On June 18, 2008 at 3:00 PM     
    Anonymous said...

    Great post arshat. Its the memories that gives a reason to smile.

    Sure does mate :)

    On May 31, 2010 at 4:05 AM     
    Unknown said...

    Just gong through ur blogs mate..random..this 1 is 2 gud..cant help appreciating u..though its against "our" rules :)