To prove a point…

The best feeling in the world is to prove the world wrong!

-Arshat chaudhary

This post is important for all those guys who want to know how achievers think…

There is a girl in my class who got selected for the interview at Schlumberger..
There are very few girls whom I rate so highly…She was in a bit of dilemma(or so I thought)…
She has two companies in her kitty already…SLB would be the third if she makes it…
She has a score of 1480 in GRE…and A GPA of over 8.0…This guarantees a seat in the best univ. in the US
She scored 99.32% in CET this yr..This makes her elligible for Jamnalal Bajaj(one of the top coll in the country)
She was a merit ranker in SSC
She is a NTSE topper(tht makes her one of the best in the country)

I asked her if she was confused with so many choices to make…
She: Not at all…
Me: So what do you plan to do after BE?
She: Job,obviously!
Me: Then why give GRE,CET?
She: To make a point!!
Me: To make a point??Whom do you wanna make a point to???
She: To my parents…To my friends

Why does she feel like tht??Hasnt she made a point already??

She has made many points!! She has made a line!!
Still she cant let go!!

Why cant people let go? Relax a little…enjoy the scenery…lift the foot off the pedal a bit??

After all that we have achieved we still want to prove a point…

Hope one day we can start living for ourselves…

P.S.-This post is not to prove her right or wrong…This post is to give the readers a insight into the minds of the best in the city
Btw,I endorse her view…but cant help feeling guilty in the process.

I guess we were not just born to kick butt,top every exam,crack every interview…

I hope there is a day in my life when satisfaction would overcome desire…Waiting for that day…

To prove a point…SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend
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Pls read THIS post on SLB to understand kya jhool chalu hai

As expected,Deepak made it…So did Jagruti…The following guys did not make it-Rahul Bhat,Sameer,Supriya and above all(heh heh)me!
You could say I am in good company(no pun intended)…

Along with this post I would also like to share this experience…

Now as most of you would know,Sclumby was a dream company…majorly coz it had an enormous package(7.5 lacs)
When I was at their corporate office,I met a petroleum engineer from MIT pune…He was currently placed in Singapore in some company(whose name I dont remember) This company is Schlumby’s competitor and pays him 20 lac Indian rupees per annum….

He was here at SLB to give an interview.SLB was ready to pay him more than the current co he was in.

Now,MIT is an average college…with average students…Still they managed a salary tht would make grown-up men cry…
He was not very happy though…

“In this industry you get a lot of money,but you dont get time…”

Still,he couldnt let go of the money.After earning about 40 lacs for the last 2 yrs he still yearned for more…

Here he was at SLB,ready to slog…maybe for the last time…or maybe not…

Maybe money is the most important thing life…or maybe not…

Schlumberger…SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend
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I just dont want Australia to win this World Cup…
Top 5 reasons are given below…
1.I dont like sledging…Sledging is synonymous with Australians
2.Its boring to see the same team win again and again and again…
3.They are taking the Ugly Australian tag a bit too seriously…
4.They are too methodical…This is killing the unpredictable nature of the game
5.They pushed Sharad Pawar from the podium…Not tht I care,but I wasnt getting a fifth reason. Top 5 - World CupSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend
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The Department…

Right now I am in the Department…..Not the Police department…,the mech dept…This post only to remind me tht sometimes even the dept has net access… The Department…SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend
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Farewell video…

Remember the farewell I wrote about(I am hoping against hope that you read my blog regularly…)

Well the video is available for download….HERE

Its a 68 Mb file…but trust me(a little difficult,I know) its worth every byte…

Update: The YOUTUBE link is here…Now enjoy the video in streaming…

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Dear Reader…Pls read this post if you are in Engg…If you are not in engg.,better not read this coz…coz…well…coz it will sound like crap!(Not tht my other posts sound any better)

All this time in engg. I had wondered what was the Black book all about??(I hope you have seen those Black Books in the Library…If you have been to the library that is!!)
Kab woh din aayega jab mein black book submit karoonga??
Guess what? woh din aa gaya!
Have my Project vivas this thursday…

Had to dedicate atleast one post for the project we did(did??) in the last yr of engg.

Our topic is supposed to be”modeling the supply chain

This project was to be completed within the last 1 year…we did it in the last 1 day…actually last 3 days…

After a lot of copying and pasting,we finally completed the Hurculean task…

I only have to get the binding and the embossing done.Once tht is done we will be free from the clutches of our guide…I am so gonna miss him.NOT!

That Black Book with Golden Embossing..SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend
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This post is just to tell you that you have to watch this movie…CITY OF GOD

Dont miss it if its your friends wedding(and dont tell me ABHI-ASH are your friends)

Dont even miss it if its your own wedding(and DONT tell me you are ABHI or ASH…)

In short…one of the best movies of its times,dont miss it!!
Guess its on at Huma(kanjurmarg) 8.30 pm

CITY OF GOD…SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend
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