Had to finally turn on the captcha settings on blogger...
There were way too many spam comments coming.. Which means I am damn popular... Not that you didnt know about it already...
So now that I have blown my own trumpet and played a jingle on the banjo... I need to work on this Branding project..
Just want you guys to know that commenting on this blog will require you guys to fill a captcha from now on... I am so sure comments on this blog are gonna reduce.. esp Hiren's and Aroop's comments... Lazyasses, I tell u..

Editor in chief Arshat Chaudhary
Current Issues:
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
hey..its fun readin ur blogs...i find them really funny...
keep writin...i get bored in the office...
Arshat Chaudhary said...
Chalo.. Atleast Somebody finds them useful.. :P