I met my Bandodkar* friends today - Rohit gadre, Omkar Godbole, Chetanya Athale. There is something really cool about our friendship! Cant put my finger on it, but I always feel so refreshed when I meet them!
Let me describe this crazy bunch-
Rohit Gadre: One of my best friends. Amazingly witty…He can make you laugh even while you are cutting an Onion….well…er..bad example..really really bad example. What I mean is - tht he is damn funny! He is well informed on almost every subject and can comment on any topic under the sky.He is so candid about everything tht u cant help laughing. Hes extremely shy and takes ages to open up to you(hes like me in this respect). Does not believe in over exerting(so unlike me). If he wants it, he believes he will get it! The best part is tht he lets me win any two player games we play - and acts like he lost coz I was too good for him…I enjoy it nevertheless
Omkar Godbole: Hello! Arshat? Ha ganit solve kar!(thts Marathi for - try and solve this maths problem). I remember we used to spend hours on phone discussing Physics and Maths problems(this was way back in 11th and 12th…I dont remember doing this in Engg.). Has got the most amazing memory…he can memorise phone nos., mobile nos., what the heck, he can even memorise cheat codes!!? I guess,he should be the brand ambassador for “konkanasth Brahmins” if they ever want one!
Chetanya Aathle: Hes into Aeronautical engg., so we have a lot to talk about(Since I am in mech, and mech and aero are pretty similar…Actually they are sisters or should we call them brothers coz these branches are so masculine). He is pretty cool too! You must listen to him while he narrates his experiences in Air India(he is a trainee there). He has a lot of info on ATRs, 737s, Hangars, aviation fuel, canteen, carrom, F1,etc. etc. A man for all seasons!
P.S. Some more data on the crazy bunch!
Rohit is doing MSc in botany…Omkar has completed his IT engg frm Vivekanand…Chetanya has to give his final exams
*B.N.Bandodkar is a college in Thane. Had the best time of my life there! Wish we could always be together!

Editor in chief Arshat Chaudhary
Current Issues: Aeronautical, B.N.Bandodkar, engg, Thane, Vivekanand 0 letters to the editor