May 31
IIT JEE - Mumbai tops!
The results are out! Out of the 2.51 lakh students who appeared for the exam 7000+ have qualified. Achin Bansal, from Punjab has topped the exam.
But this post is not about who topped the exam,you will find thousands of posts on tht topic.This post is an analysis of the exam….its actually an analysis of the performance of Mumbai students.
All my life I have heard stories about how my cousins studing in ICSE or CBSE had access to better education.I have read umpteen articles on why the state HSC is no good.
I have heard aunties discuss how brilliant their CBSE and ICSE educated children were and how much better were these boards than the Maharashtra State board.Maybe ICSE and CBSE are better or maybe they are not.The world will always remain divided on these issues.But I found it weird tht the argument tht they put forward to support their statement was tht students from Maharashtra dont make it to the IITs and this is because of the lousy education std of Maharashtra.This was partly true!
During my time(makes me sound old. But I am just 21) only 150 students from Maharashtra made it to the IITs. Out of these 50 were from Mumbai.Too less for a city like mumbai. We had all the riches, all the facilities, still we couldnt make it. The media projected us as spoilt brats who didnt have the perseverence tht is required to get into the IITs. All this inspite of the fact tht the IIMs have a large number of Mumbai students. A high score in CAT requires a lot of hard-work too,doesnt it?.
But the media dishes out what people wanna see/read.There were many readers who seemed to agree with the media.Many of these readers were Mumbaikars(who had completed their education from outside the state). These were the people who made it to mumbai from small towns. They considered it cool to bash the Maharashtra education system.They opined tht the students in Mumbai were spineless. They didnt have the guts to take on the best in the country….
I always predicted tht we will kick ass the day CET type entrance exams take place in Maharashtra. A sense of frustation gripped me nobody understood this simple logic.
You see, we have been bred on subjective exams.In fact we used to get admissions into engg after scoring a high percentage in PCM.(Your blogger had a score of 95%.)
It becomes very difficult to study for both Objective(JEE) and subjective exams(XII).The result-fewer qualifiers.But now things have changed…..
Since now we have CET based entrance,students find it easier to devote attention to Objective type studies. Out of the 45000 who appeared for the exam from Mumbai division, a whopping 2600 have qualified. Kicked some serious butt,didnt we?
Mumbai topper-Harsh Pareek has AIR 8. Also, All India girl topper is from Mumbai.
Thanks Harsh & co. You guys made us proud. Now I wanna hear what the media has to say!
Btw, it rained tonight. We had a power cut for 2 hrs. I dont understand, why does it happen always? Hasnt MSEB heard about the thing called rain? If the power cut is inevitable why dont we have a power cut everytime it rains?
Its raining cats and dogs as I write this post. Infact there are so many cats and dogs fallen on my car tht I had to remove them using a shovel…er…bad joke!

Editor in chief Arshat Chaudhary
Current Issues: AIR, CET, Harsh Pareek, IIT, Maharashtra, Mumbai topper 1 letters to the editor