This post is to thank Pushkar for all the hardwork he put in making this Header.
There are a lot of things I love about the header. I mean look at the Elephant. I wud have named him Jumbo or Appu(if he was Indian). But Pushkar name him TP. Yes! The name of the elephant is Mr.Time Pass.
I also like the Unlimited edition and Rs.2 on the top left of the header.
Also my name in the centre of the header looks pretty neat, doesnt it?
Great work dude!

Editor in chief Arshat Chaudhary
Current Issues: Header, Pushkar, scribe, TP
Anonymous said...
nice work pushkar..
Abhijit V. Deshpande said...
i agree wid u man...Pushkar is the best... he designed the header even for me...i just told him i wanted a medley of all sports, n he came up eid an image... n i, being a lazy ass, didnt bother doing it muself..hehe...
n dude, plz help me wid the blogroll funda..n also help me make my blog more interesting.....
Sameer said...
Really nice header....
BTW cant u get all ur previous posts from WP?
Anonymous said...
@ maverick
Your blog is already very interesting. I love your header. Honestly speaking I did get an inkling tht your header was Pushkars work.
Btw, your blog is pretty interesting man. I loved your post about the Pandus in mum and pune!
Anonymous said...
@ sameer
I got all my post! Have I missed any of the posts?
Pushkar Sheth said...
Thank You people!
Creativity and Simplicity is the key to the future!