I just played my natural game!

Have you wondered how many times you must have heard this line from the man of the match…Well the man who invented this line is a genius! I guess you know who it is…arrey,its our own Tendlya!

I will tell you what happened…sachin used to win so many man-of-the-match awards tht he had nothin new to say! Also the mans got a really bad vocab..
Thts when “The line” came into existence!…If the presenter is boring you just say “I just played my natural game”,the presenter gets the hint!

But now its someone else who seems to be using this line like its his own jaagir! You guessed it right! Its apna doodh-loving delhi boy –Sehwag!

I will tell you what happened…When Sehwag was on a roll,winning MOM awards(man of the match,duh!)left,right and center and his angreezi being a bit kacchi,he turned to sachin for help with Ravi shashtri’s mundane questions!

Sehwag: Sirjee,aap itne acchi angrezzi kaise bol lette hain?? mujhe bhi sikhaiye na…
Sachin:Aiala!Its easy re! Ravi shastri bore karta rahegaa na,toh bol deneka..”I just played my natural game“..Woh chup baith jaayega!
Sehwag: But sirjee,yeh trick kaam karegi??!
Sachin: Abbe mein pechle 16 saal se yehi bol raha hoon!!

According to sources,sachin has helped Inzy with his english too!(Actually he has helped many boys in the Pak side)

The next time Sachin,sehwag or Inzy wins a MOM award watch out for this line!And watch how Shastri cuts the interview short!

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Holi cow! Holi is tomorrow and I havent yet shopped for any colours…Talking of colours,I think gujjus neednt buy any colours,coz they already are so colourful! You see,I got about 10 gujjus in my class,all of them colourful..But here I would like to mention only two of them…The first one would be Siddharth Ashara(bhai).You can read about himin my past posts(just search for -In love with sid ashara)

Well bhai,is one of the colourful guys you will ever to see! The spects keep changing according to the latest fashions.Right now it is thick and black,like amitabh’s in KanK(sexy sam remember?)…His Cell phone models change as frequently as Aamir changes his hairstyles! Has a wardrobe full of colours like red,blue,green,yellow!

However the most colourful,the one who takes the cake here and eats it too is Mr.Suril Shah! For starters he has a PURPLE(?) Pulsar with his name printed across it!!. He is a legend when it comes colourfulness…There are
stories about him having yellow shoes(personally I dont think it is true..).Shirts in all colours from pink to green!He has even tried a blonde streaks in his hair…The only other Indian guy I know who used blonde streaks in his hair is…er…umm…no one! Suril is the only guy who could
pull it off!Pretty normal for a guy whose favourite actress is Amisha Patel!
The whole point of this posts is that my friends are so colourful normally,I wonder how they look on Holi! I remember after last years holi,Sid’s face had different hues of red for about a month! What colours do they use there
in Charni Road(Sid’s home)-Asian Paints??

P.S-Gala would wanna feature on the list,but sorry mate,Suril is a tough contender!
Pushkar wouldnt even qualify…He is too sombre…
Jags,vishal,Abhal,Sahil better luck next time!

Another P.S.-The above post is to be taken sportingly…
Comments invited!!

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They did it again…! I am cocksure about the fact tht MSEB guys have cams installed inside my house.I am also getting the feeling tht they also read my blog,and in all probability dont like what I write about them.So they have decided to teach me a lesson by cutting off my area’s power for about 8 hours(yeah 8 hrs,thts not a printing mistake).All this
inspite of staying in mumbai(Mulund is officially within mumbai limits).We had some dreams of becoming Shangai,remember?…You got it all wrong Mr.Deshmukh..How about becoming Sangli? Tht looks positively possible! What say? They got cams installed for sure!SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend
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The besties

I am in such a good mood tht even a 8 hr power cut cant dampen my spirits…The last 6 days were probably the best days of my engg life…
Here is a brief account of how(or why) I was busy without any work…
Monday:We played cricket all day…Box cricket actually, coz the Bhavans ground was hosting some cricket tournament.So the volleyball court was reborn as mini-wankhede oval..
Tuesday:Bunked the lectures,surfed the net all day!
Wednesday:Box cricket..Again! No wonder my sister finds me two shades darker than I actually was…
Thu,Fri&Sat:SPACE 07…The power of se7en.. The bestiesSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend
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All three days were a lot of fun at SPACE…The best being(after a lot of consideration)the last day…
Following chronological order,the first day started with
elims(eliminations,duh!)with people like me getting eliminated in every event…I guess these elims are arranged so tht people like me know tht they are good for nothing(like I never knew!)
Well I did make it through the elims once,for the event..Ignoble ads..where we had to demote the products instead of promoting them!
Visual Impact followed after 6pm officially(7.30 unofficially)…
Second day was fun too,with Casino Royale being our favourite.There was a casino set-up in one of the drawing rooms,with gambling going full-on!Didnt win even after cheating!But did win in a game called code-venture!
Third day was the best coz I did what I normally wouldnt
do….dance!There were these FE girls with us,who seemed pretty interested(in the dance that is!).Learnt a few Salsa moves(the event is called Ballroom dancing).The choreo was really cool,making fun of everyone including himself…
The last event was the Rock Show…lot of headbanging…lot of weird looking guys..lot of second hand smoke…But tht was still fun coz most of my group was there…Navin,Kunal,Siddhant,Umesh and Arshat(thts
me).Also Harish was there(one of my oldies).Two FE girls tht I mentioned earlier are Shruti and Poonam who blended in as if they’d been with us from ages.I guess their bubbly innocence had a lot to do with these three days being so much fun!
And guess who sponsored the event? Its my employer…SIEMENS! SPACE 07….the last one…SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend
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There is GOLD at mulund!

Yes! There is gold at mulund! All the gold is deep inside the ground…

Actually,mulund was a site proposed for a gold mine back in 1919 by a good British soul(like tht British guy in tht Aamir movie-Mangal Pande) .But this proposal was rejected by a not-so-good-British-soul(like tht British guy in tht Aamir movie-Lagaan)…(Aamir has proably worked with more foreign actors than Gulshan grover,Naseruddin shah and Om puri combined)

Back to the topic…Well,this secret lay deep down the files in some govt. office till 2002…when some BMC guy found it!!!(What was theBMC guy doing in the office??working?? strange!)

The secret was out! Everybody in the BMC knows this fact!But I bet you didnt!

After this secret was known to these BMC guys, they started digging MULUND…! Left,right and centre…!I guess they were finding success(read gold!)in MULUND,coz their attempts at digging continued..They dug the pavements,the road,the footpath….,they dug everything! Sometimes they redug the same place they had dug just days ago!

You must be thinking - why the heck dont they tell this to the general public?? Well,the reason for this is tht they dont want every Tom, Dick and Patil to come with spades and start digging the pavements(actually,they dont want to share the booty)

Also not all of the general public is unaware…Some builders and developers have access to this info! What else can explain two MALLS tht have sprung up…What can explain INDIA’s largest 5 star thts gonna come up here…Alot of digging activity goes on near these malls too…

They say mulund is centrally located,has a lot of greenery,blah-blah-blah! Like I dont know!

You still dont believe me?? Why dont u pick up a spade and start digging?? Who knows,You might just get LUCKY!!!

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Top 5 women whose posters I would want in my room..

Since we are talking about “Posters” all the women mentioned have to be celibrities

1.Hrishitaa bhat

2.Hillary duff(when she was 15 yrs old)

3.Sonali bendre

4.Pooja batra

5.Shania twain

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