“Saree lag gayi!…Sorry lag gayi!”
-Kamal Hasan…Chachi420
Dont have the slightest idea why thts funny…But I laugh everytime I hear tht line…
The topic finds its way here coz we had our Tie and Saree day today…
Whats so special about it??…I dont know!! But I have seen girls standing in some corner of the college, giggling,discussing among themselves,as to which earings would go with the green saree her maasi(mom’s sister) gifted her on her 20th birthday…
Not that guys are any less enthu…Prasad tried 3 different ties on 3 different shirts(tht makes it 3!=6 times) until he got the matching right…
Today was also our farewell…
I couldnt attend it….Had to visit a dear friend who is not keeping well these days…
I know a farewell would come only once in my life(if I decide against doing an MBA)…but today I didnt have a tough time making a choice…
It was so clear…I had made my choice…I had to meet my friend….
He is the guy who stood by me when I needed him…In the 4th sem I remember when I had fallen sick…
I fell sick in the 5th week(19 feb…I remember the date…).I was given high grade antibiotics…Never recovered fully in tht semester…Fell ill 3 or 4 times more in the same sem…I sucked in my vivas…First(& the last) time I thought of quitting enggineering….I am not a quitter… I am a fighter…But,I guess a wounded fighter is no good…
I was sure of failing in the written exams…We had a PL of about 20 days…8 days I tried to study on my own,its really difficult when dont even know the basics of the subject….
Called this friend on the night of the 8th day…Not for asking help…Arshat doesnot ask for help…Arshat is too proud to ask for help….
But he himself offered to help me study…Started coming to my house to teach me…I was amazed by his knoweldge and his method of learning…
We started doing nights…12 days were too less to complete whole semester…I had to do it…But he didnt have to! He did it just for me!
‘An emotional fool’-thts what I call him…thinks from the heart…
Today I had to make a choice…my brain didnt do the thinking…my heart did!
Who was the emotional fool today…?

Editor in chief Arshat Chaudhary
Current Issues: arshat, Chetan gosavi 0 letters to the editor