This post is for the people who do not believe in curse! I was one of them...
So this is how it goes...
On 26/7/2006,I set out to conquer(read travel) the local trains.I do this everyday of college,so this is not new.But tht fateful day i travelled in the second class compartment instead of the usual first class...This change of mind was brought about due to the expiry of my 1st class pass...
Also the 2nd class seemed fairly empty(empty,here is a relative term).But then,in a flash,out of nowhere, a group of 15 people mobbed me as I was trying to get in the compartment...
When I got in,i realised tht my 6630 was missing/stolen.This piece costs a good 12000 rupees.So u can understand the situation I was in...
Before i turn to the scary part,let me introduce u to my BE project group-
Deepak,chetan gosavi(have already posted bout his anctics),umesh(will be posting bout his anctics),and me.
I was the butt of all the jokes tht week(as is the norm),with chetan and umesh leading the charge!Little did they know what fate had in store for them.
2 months ago Chetan's mobile was stolen in a style similar to mine!
2 weeks ago umesh's mp4 player and his wallet got stolen under mysterious circumstances...(note tht all the materials were stolen and not lost!)
The only guy now left untouched by this curse is Deepak(the fourth member of our group).I guess he is already feeling the heat! I m sure he is acting extra careful while travelling!
Also note tht 26/7/2005 was the day when half of mumbai was under water(subject of a seperate post)[As would say"AIN'T SCARED YET??"]
[P.S. Either this is scary or I have really careless friends]

Editor in chief Arshat Chaudhary
Current Issues: 6630, arshat, chaudhary, Chetan gosavi, deepak, michael jackson, nokia, umesh 2 letters to the editor