300…teen sau…

Read this hilarious post by greatbong here


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Have a look at the counter that I have placed on my side bar….Scroll down….down….below Meta….

Yeah tht pink number….It shows a four digit no….doesnt it?

Thanks to you readers I have completed 1000 hits…..Not that I get a prize for completing 1000 hits or anything….Its just tht it feels good tht there are people who take time out to read my ramblings….

It feels even better when you dont have high expectations….When you are on the wrong side of Murphy,you dont have high expectations(read here what Murphy thinks about me…)

I started this blog on Jan 19…..its been 3 months ….90 days….1000 hits….You do the math…

Thanks for being there guys! Keep reading….

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The farewell

When the farewell got over,I felt a void…as if a part of me was missing…a sense of loss…still there was a sense of satisfaction….a sense of achievement…There was a time when I wanted to quit…now here I was….almost engineer!

There were times when I thought I had made a mistake getting admission here…I always felt like I was a misfit…Did I belong here?…Why people look forward to college??…Why do I have to change 2 trains to reach to college…?? Why even at 95% I didnt get into VJTI…?Why am I so drained out when I reach home?…Why is the local always crowded??

But yesterday all these questions did not plague me…I had different set of questions…Is it over already?? Why is it over?? It wasnt tht bad,was it??
All these feelings for my college??or were these feelings for my classmates??Was I going to miss my Profs…?
All this coming from a guy who rarely attended college…Infact my attendence in the past one year has been more than first 3 yrs combined…You wont find me in any of the group photos…maybe 1 or 2..but definately not more than that…

Maybe it was the worst thing tht happened to me…
Or maybe it was the best…
Now I know why people look forward to college…Now I know what people do in the college canteen,sitting for hours at a strech…

Misfit?? Maybe?? But I guess I am always gonna be a misfit…There are very few like me…right?? :-)

Where do I belong?? Here’s where I belong

Hearts cry as friends depart…
Want you to know tht only distances hold us apart…

Thank you for the memories….

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We had our mech farewell yesterday…By mech farewell I mean BE mech’s farewell…
It was probably the best farewell one could ask for…
The presentation,the movie,the song dedications,the speeches,the poetries and the one act plays…

The best part was the clip tht Pushkar Sheth edited…
The track tht played in the background was the Kal ho na ho title track,I never really liked tht track…But yesterday I realised tht it was because of SRK’s presence on the screen…

I regard Nagesh Kukunoor as one of the best directors of the country…If Pushkar tries hard enough he can get into tht league…This may sound as an over statement to some,but then you should have been there!

The best scene was when the classes go empty….Also Hase’s dance was cool…
I will be posting the link to the video here soon…

UPDATE: Download the clip HERE….Pls note tht it is a 68 mb file….Also note tht it worth every byte!!

A special mention of Prasad Gaikwad’s Mimicry…We had co-written the script…
The Story:All prof. go to watch Dhoom2,what happens next is fun…detailed script will be put up after some time..

Almost Engineers….SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend
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Ties and Sarees

“Saree lag gayi!…Sorry lag gayi!”
-Kamal Hasan…Chachi420

Dont have the slightest idea why thts funny…But I laugh everytime I hear tht line…

The topic finds its way here coz we had our Tie and Saree day today…
Whats so special about it??…I dont know!! But I have seen girls standing in some corner of the college, giggling,discussing among themselves,as to which earings would go with the green saree her maasi(mom’s sister) gifted her on her 20th birthday…

Not that guys are any less enthu…Prasad tried 3 different ties on 3 different shirts(tht makes it 3!=6 times) until he got the matching right…

Today was also our farewell…
I couldnt attend it….Had to visit a dear friend who is not keeping well these days…

I know a farewell would come only once in my life(if I decide against doing an MBA)…but today I didnt have a tough time making a choice…

It was so clear…I had made my choice…I had to meet my friend….

He is the guy who stood by me when I needed him…In the 4th sem I remember when I had fallen sick…
I fell sick in the 5th week(19 feb…I remember the date…).I was given high grade antibiotics…Never recovered fully in tht semester…Fell ill 3 or 4 times more in the same sem…I sucked in my vivas…First(& the last) time I thought of quitting enggineering….I am not a quitter… I am a fighter…But,I guess a wounded fighter is no good…

I was sure of failing in the written exams…We had a PL of about 20 days…8 days I tried to study on my own,its really difficult when dont even know the basics of the subject….

Called this friend on the night of the 8th day…Not for asking help…Arshat doesnot ask for help…Arshat is too proud to ask for help….
But he himself offered to help me study…Started coming to my house to teach me…I was amazed by his knoweldge and his method of learning…

We started doing nights…12 days were too less to complete whole semester…I had to do it…But he didnt have to! He did it just for me!

‘An emotional fool’-thts what I call him…thinks from the heart…
Today I had to make a choice…my brain didnt do the thinking…my heart did!
Who was the emotional fool today…?

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I cleared the apti(believe me,I was as shocked as you are).

The feeling of contempt is not becoz the company pays a whopping 7lacs per annuum(they say only iitians raked in the moolah!)….The feeling of satisfaction here is to find your name among the best of the class…

There are about 6 who have cleared….Sameer(God),Supriya(Goddess),Jagruti(amazing PR),Deepak(Newton),Rahul(God)(sorry I ran out of nouns!)…

In all probability I wont make it…But still I can hold my head high,coz I made the cut…More so,it helps me to identify the fact tht Siemens(currently placed here) was no fluke!

I am in two minds…if I make it in Schlumby,I loose my Siemens job…Dont wanna loose Siemens!Formed a bond with them(especially after the college bag they gifted us…)

The interview is on sunday at nariman point….

Schlumberger…SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend
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Today was the busiest day for me and my cellphone…
Slept at 3 am last night…was tring to solve some RAC(Refigeration and Air-Conditioning,duh?)problems with Prasad gaikwad(my roomie)’s help…

Got a call from a friend at 5 am…But he is such a dear friend tht getting angry at him is difficult(even if he calls during tht time of the day, actually night…)

After a brief talk,I slept…My Dad called up at 7am…Still asleep? Rise and shine!
I tried to sleep again,Shruti called me up at 8 am…Hitesh followed next at 8.30…next was Umesh Koli at 9.15….next navin’s message arrived at 9.35…’When are you guys coming to coll?’
Tht was it! These people were determined not to allow me sleep!My sleep got disturbed…Music is said to sootheyour senses so I turned on the music on my roomie’s P990…After listening to Aadat remix no.6(there must be atleast 17 of those),slept again…

Got some calls from a friend who wanted to meet me…Shruti called again…some calls from Kunal…one from Deepak…a few messages congratulating me on clearing the Schlumberger apti…Sid and Koli called in the evening
All in All a very busy day…

P.S. The avg calls tht this blogger gets is about

0.79.It would have been 0.56 had it not been for people calling on my birthday…

[All averages calculated on an yearly basis…]

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