
SPCE Lingo!

This is a incomplete list of the lingo that we spceians use!U can ADD ur own in the Comments

ORIGIN: Hindi language
MEANING: Literal meaning is - to forgive… Actual meaning depends on
the usage…
*Lecture maaf karte hain?? => shud we bunk the lecture?

Meaning also depends on the user…for eg:
Gavrav: Big show ka assign kiya?
Rahul bhat: maaf=>I tried but did not get the ans
Chetan: maaf=>I saw the ques but did not try.
Apte: maaf=>Submission next week..7 days to go..lot of time to complete
Arshat: maaf=> What assign is he talking about??! Never heard bout it!!

ORIGIN: Hindi lang. (Origin goes back to 1896 when the first railway tracks were laid in mumbai)
MEANING: U Shud know!!
Akash: main ek joke bolu?
Abhijit: haga!
Akash: arre pehle sun toh!
Abhijit: haga!
Akash: ………
Abhijit: haga!!!

ORIGIN: Hinglish(origin dates back to the birth of Himesh Reshmaiya)
MEANING: Difficult to put in words… it shud be felt…
Gala: Bhai!
Sid: shot mat de saale!
Arshat: Sid!
Sid: shot mat de saale!
Abhijit: Bhai!
Sid: shot mat de saale!+ ganda joke marna bannd kar!

The above doc is subjected to copyright law SPCE Lingo!SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend
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Thanks Pushkar!

Pushkar sheth is my senior! Senior in Programming,Blogging and evrythin tht has got an iota of relevance to computers!
Actually we are in the same class(SPCE BE mech)...nvr got to know him much...
It was really sweet of him to help me out with my blogpage...He suggested I change my Template(coz the last one was really goddy),also helped me out with some other technicalities..
Thanks man!
(Check him out...he is on my blog roll) Thanks Pushkar!SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend
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Arshat chaudhary and the curse of the theif!(corny!)

This post is for the people who do not believe in curse! I was one of them...
So this is how it goes...
On 26/7/2006,I set out to conquer(read travel) the local trains.I do this everyday of college,so this is not new.But tht fateful day i travelled in the second class compartment instead of the usual first class...This change of mind was brought about due to the expiry of my 1st class pass...
Also the 2nd class seemed fairly empty(empty,here is a relative term).But then,in a flash,out of nowhere, a group of 15 people mobbed me as I was trying to get in the compartment...
When I got in,i realised tht my 6630 was missing/stolen.This piece costs a good 12000 rupees.So u can understand the situation I was in...

Before i turn to the scary part,let me introduce u to my BE project group-
Deepak,chetan gosavi(have already posted bout his anctics),umesh(will be posting bout his anctics),and me.

I was the butt of all the jokes tht week(as is the norm),with chetan and umesh leading the charge!Little did they know what fate had in store for them.

2 months ago Chetan's mobile was stolen in a style similar to mine!
2 weeks ago umesh's mp4 player and his wallet got stolen under mysterious circumstances...(note tht all the materials were stolen and not lost!)

The only guy now left untouched by this curse is Deepak(the fourth member of our group).I guess he is already feeling the heat! I m sure he is acting extra careful while travelling!

Also note tht 26/7/2005 was the day when half of mumbai was under water(subject of a seperate post)[As would say"AIN'T SCARED YET??"]

[P.S. Either this is scary or I have really careless friends] Arshat chaudhary and the curse of the theif!(corny!)SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend
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GURU @ Mulund

This is not a repost...I saw guru yesterday(for the second time)...Its not tht i am a mani fan or anything..Its just tht my family hadnt seen the mov and I had nothing else to do! I just went there for the heck of it.
What makes guru so gripping and realistic,is the use of Hand held Camera(pls note)
And guess what? I still cudnt make sense of the songs!! AR rahman tried his best to make a string of (meaningless)words sound melodious,but Gulzarji screwed him up!
How cud u use the words"yeole yeole re yeole yeole oo" in a hindi song?
However there is one gazal in this movie which really seduces the senses...now this is the sort of stuff Gulzar is good in!
Maniji,if u stick to Gulzar...make sure Gulzar sticks to urdu!

On the subject of songs,try this song-"Welcome to India"-by ludakrishnan and vikram MC u will ROTFL GURU @ MulundSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend
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We won!

India won yesterdays match...Sourav scripting the fairytale win
The irony here is tht this is the very pitch where sourav was accused of shunning his responsibilities as a batsman.The mood here at my college(sardar patel coll of engg.)is upbeat...The very people who wanted sourav dead are praising him...I guess this is how it is...

People support u only when u provide them entertainment,when u fail to do so,they will leave u,stranded...
This proably is the psyche of the mortals...They want a hero whom they can worship..they treat these heroes as gods...and when these "gods" fail they have to bear the brunt of public fury...

Enough of this lecturebaazi...I hav to get out of this comp lab...

Rane sir has asked me to help him with this presentation about SCM..
Arshat to the rescue...Up! Up! and away!! We won!SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend
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what i like about WI?
no,not lara,nor do i like his indian girlfriends...
I dont lik huge swingin shoulders...
I dont lik sarwan or chandrapaul...
then what do i lik about them??

The commentator tht accompanys them...Michael hOOlding...The guy's got the voice most defence services in the world would like to recruit...
+lus he is a cricker-commentator who really gets involved in the game.He is like WI's 12th player in the commentory box...

Once i was watching this match vs WI,they really did badly,they were 7 wickets down and they required
to chase a huge total...This no.8 hit a four and i heard a voice frm the back of the comm box-"A BOONDARY"...
It was a West Indian voice...! What I like about WISocialTwist Tell-a-Friend
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Kyunki FIGHTER hameshaa jeetta hai...
javed akhtar...(reynolds jetter ad)

Sovrav(or sourab..as mamta baneerji calls him..) is this blogs fav cricketer.
The man has been thru a lot of shit...was stripped off his captaincy not only in tests but also
in ODIs..was not given entry into the team...imagine the country's most successful captain,not given a place in the 11. Forget a place in the team,the least they cud hav done was to give him a decent farewell.
But no! they decided to humilate the guy! This blogger agrees tht there was a time when he wanted sourav to hang up his boots...(to save him frm the humilation)

Ganguly,howevr had diff plans...did well at the domestic level,got into the national test team...(with help of lots of luck...read end of More's term and india's poor run in SA)...

His meeting with tht sissy More was interesting...all Dada said was"U had to do your job...I had to do mine"
A sign of a man who has been annealed in the furnace of life...

Today he wears the BLUE jersey after 15 months...

Today the man will Open against WI...This is the position where he has made most of his runs...
Also he hinted tht we might jus win this one...
Dada might hav something up his sack...
make no mistake...DADA's BACK... Dada's backSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend
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Since I was a kid,i hav heard people comparing him with apna tendlya...
Why the heck?? They say lara has got a better technique,better stance,better blah..blah..blah
Just 1 point,lara isnt half as graceful as tendlya...
Wonder what sachin feels about this comparison...

Last night I got to talk to these greats at dinner...This is how the conversation goes..

Sachin: U hav to be more graceful lara! You look "constipated" when u bat!
Lara: I kno maan! I m so afrai(d) of thes fas bowle an spi bowle ..i cant help it maan!
Sachin: Chaila!! U hav to Kick ASS! Look DOWN th barrel of a GUN! PEE in the WIND!
Lara: I tell u maan,if i look down the BARREL of a gun,i will be PEEing every which way!!

He He !ROTFL! tht was funny!! u shud hav been there!! What is it with Lara??SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend
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Guru @ Juhu

When you come to attend ur college frm mulund(this where i stay)to andheri(this is where my college stays)u tend to expect tht there will be atleast 3 lectures n 1 practical...
But when our GURU called it a day after only 1 lecture,we were disappointed.
However we decided to "invest" our time to watch GURU.
Why GURU?-coz we have a ash fanatic(Kunal Tikare) among us.So instead of blood diamond,it was GURU.

Now,andheri has its share of multiplexes,but i vowed not to watch any movie in a andheri multiplex,after i saw "Gayab"(yeah,the one with Ktussharr)at Fame.The hall was boxy,the screen small..so unlike R-adlabs at mulund..

Back to the topic,we choose the single theatre CHANDAN@JUHU...
Dont let the name fool u! this is not ur usual singluar...here tickets cost u a heavenly(compared to singulars)Rs.80. The audio system is proably better than most Adlabs i have been to..Another +lus is the fact tht the beach is close by!
We reached the place half an hr early,nd spent the half hr on the beach!

Now the movie...my verdict GOOD! The narrative is really good!So is the characterisation. Mani did not allow Ash to irritate us,by keepin her role to a min. But the songs SUCKED big time,no,not the music,but the lyrics!

Maniji? how do u expect Gulzarji to write Guju songs?The poor guy jus managed to pull it in B&B.But not here.It is xtremely difficult to decode the songs!!

Also the end is Unrealistic.We cud hav done wid a bolder end.Its too sugary!

But the songs-#@#! The person who can decode the songs(besides gulzarji)will get The audio CD of GURU(musicless version) frm myside... Guru @ JuhuSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend
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There really is something about chetan...(The chetan in question is my friend-CHETAN GOSAVI)

We all have tht little something...only difference is tht chetan is blessed with a lot of tht something..this something makes him endearing...With all the stupid decisions tht he takes,he shud be extinct by now...but someone up there finds him endearing,just like i do...

To illustrate tht he is popular with the Gods,let me quote some examples...

1.chetan crosses the railway tracks with a bicycle(he being seated on the seat of the cycle)and survives

2.he is involved in a accident involving a fiat and a bicycle,but somehow survives!

3.he jumps off a local train,and still(?) SURVIVES!!4.he gets placed in the company which pays him 4.66lacs??(proably the highest in class!)but this is just one side of him! He is xtremely hardworking too..(subject of another post) There is something about Chetan...SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend
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Well...had to start my own blog!

However,readers should note tht it will not be a Daily blog...The reason?-I m godamn lazy,maybe not godamn lazy,but just plain lazy!

So spurred by my fav blogger-gaurav sabnis,i ll plung into the blogger world.Bloggers of my region(mulund,thane,bhandup,ghatkopar) brace yourself...apun aa gaya hai!! My first post!SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend
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