The awards just keep on coming...

Its the season of awards.. I have been awarded this new one by one of my favourite bloggers - Bullshee. Now two of my favourite people in the blogworld- Bullshee and Chriz have awarded me. (Note: If you wanna be my favourite ppl, pls award me. It can be any lame award. I dont mind till its an award.)

Obviously, there are rules to every award. For eg. - you dont cry when you receive a national award for your movie, but you are allowed to, infact it is expected of you to cry when you receive a Filmfare.. Anyway, here goes..

How to do this:

a. Put the image on your blog
b. List 10 truths about yourself
c. Give the award to 5 other people
d. Provide meaningful quotation

Tilt your necks.. It says what it says.. Fucking Fabulous Blog.. Gee..My blog is fabulous.. redface

Now before you guys start going chee chee and start thinking of me as someone who goes on rampantly using the F word, well let me tell you that I am very very well-mannered. I dont use the F word. My mechanical engineering mates can now stop laughing. I meant I dont use the word when I am around girls (eg: my mom and my sister). Anyway, now that I have got my award, let me list in 10 truths about myself...

1. I am ALWAYS right.. Yeah.. That is truth.. Or atleast I think its the truth. Hmm.. truth is such a confusing word.. Umm.. let us stick to objectifiable truths... so here goes the REAL list..

1. I was a first bencher in my Junior college days (Thats 11th and 12th for you Delhi guys). I topped the class for like 8 exams in a row. I was a geek. So all you guys who look up to me(all 3 of you) for my Stud-liness, well I was pretty ordinary not too long ago!

2. My inspiration for blogging was Gaurav Sabnis. To be honest, I didnt think I would last more than 3 weeks in the blog world. It has been over two years now! Read his old posts, they were fun. The new ones are, well, boring..

3. I have never been able to dedicate myself to working out. I have started and given up a couple of times. I sometimes look at my Hrithik Roshan like well rounded arms and Akshay Kumar like flat abs and wonder if I really need to work out!

4. I have a very very rare taste in women. Only my sister has been able to decode what I like in women. She can look at a girl on TV and tell if I like her. It is difficult coz very few girls catch my fancy.. I got a wide range! - Hrishita Bhat, Alyssa Milano, Dona Ganguly, Nafisa Ali, Revathy, Sonali Bendre, Sonam Kapoor..

5. I only travel Business class. There are some perks you have when your dad works for a Airline co.

6. I wanted to be a doctor till my 11th grade. Then I was introduced to biology(the subject) and gave up the dream for good. I am glad I took this decision, engineering is not that bad... Only regret is that I cant have a "B.E." in front of my name like doctors have a "Dr.". Also I dont get to say something like - "I am sorry.. Humne poori koshish ki, lekin usse nahi bacha paaye". Not to mention that girls dig hot doctors, engineers are too common, aur kyun na ho, today every Tom, Dick and Patil wants to be an engineer.

7. I have a weird memory. All data involving dates, time etc is automatically corrupted as soon as it enters my brain(that explains why I didnt call u on your bday, you know who you are). On the other hand, I remember lyrics of songs from hindi movies from 90s.. For eg- The Prabhu Deva starer - Humse hai Muquabla. I can sing Urvashi Urvashi at 4 o clock in the morning. Infact I was threatened with dire consequences by my society secretary after I did that once...

8. I share my birthday with Sunil Gavaskar and have also met him. I met him at London Airport, back then I didnt know we shared birthdays!
And I taught him to play the pull stroke... er.. okay, thts a lie...

9. I smoked my first cigarette when I was in my last year of engineering... I wanted to find out what the fuss was about. I smoked a couple cigarettes to be doubly sure before I decided that it sucks, literally. I tried beer once, and I think it tastes like horse piss.. (Do I see Bullshee bashing me up?). I like the taste of vodka, essentially coz it got no taste. But even vodka is a waste of money. The first time I had around 180ml of it, nothing happened.. I ended up solving RAC problems all night long and topped the test the next day in college. I think I was a geek even in Engg college. Dunno exactly when I transformed into such a stud.. Hmm..

10. Dad-son, Grandfather-grandson movies make me all misty.. Yeah, only misty.. Coz I dont cry.. Men dont cry.. They hunt duck, eat raw meat, drink from the carton but they dont cry.
My all time favourite Dad-son, Grandfather-grandson movies are Life is Beautiful and Wide Awake..

I am done for the day.. Too much honesty there.. I assure you hereon I will only come up with interesting dishonest stuff.. This honesty is too much to handle I tell ya!

Heres giving the award to 5 of my people who I think deserve the award.

Santoshwho I know he will come up with something exciting

Chriz - the nuttiest blogger in town
Nupur has no pretense
Harish who has taken a liking to writing
Anjana - the newest entrant

Now for the (meaningful) quote
The more cheese is there.. The more holes are there...
The more holes are there.. The less cheese is there..
Hence, the more cheese is there.. The less cheese is there.. ;)

Speaking of awards, I have been nominated for the best Mumbai blogger .. Hum aapka vote maangne aaye hain!
If you think this blogger deserves to be in the list please vote. How to vote?
1.Register yourself first (I know, such a pain).
2. Log in here!
3. Vote for your favourite blog here (er..that is my blog I hope!)

The one who votes the most for me gets..well.. er.. a chance to meet me!! that too in private!(yeah baby!)

Take care people! The awards just keep on coming...SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend
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The kite fighters...

Its been ages since I last posted on my blog. There are blogwebs (yeah, I can be funny.. or er.. atleast try to be) hanging around my blog. So I decided to clean up in here.

Short Story

kapli kapli kapli*.. The kids of the zhopadpatti ran..

In Mumbai, Kites light up the blue sky a week before Sankranti(the festival of kites).... You will get to see all kinds of kites, big, small, the ones with one tail, the ones without tails (the tail is said to stabilize the kite). Among all these kites, was the king of kites. The big red kite with looong tail. It was twice as big as normal mortal kites that we kids had. That big red kite belonged to Tarun.

It was Tarun, who had cut my newest orange kite, after which the slum kids were now running..
*means "Its been cut" in marathi

Tarun lived in a building next to mine. Tarun's kite personified Tarun. Tarun was twice as big as "normal" kids. I was in the 6th grade then and he was in the 8th, but he touched a staggering 6 feet. He had moved in from Aurangabad 3 years ago in the building next to ours.

My friends, Tanay and Sujit both in the fourth grade, two years younger to me, gave me the dope on Tarun.
Tanay told me, "Arre, Aurangabad mein sab log Undertaker jitna tall hota hai"
To this Sujit said, "kya paka raha hai bey, Undertaker world ka tallest aadmi hai"
Clearly Sujit was a Undertaker fan..
Rajesh dada, who was Sujit's elder brother later told me that Tarun had failed 8th grade 3 times, in Aurangabad. Tarun should have been in the 11th grade with him.

Tarun was a bully. And he sucked at football. But always wanted to be the centre forward. While playing he would push the defenders of the opposite team. Once he hit Tanay who was the goalkeeper of my team. I pushed Tarun back, he kicked me on the shin with his studs...I punched him in the gut.. What followed was a round of punching and kicking, mostly him punching and kicking me. We decided to keep him out of all games after that.

The orange kite was the 5th kite that Tarun had cut that Sankranti week. I kept trying to cut his kite, but that seemed next to impossible.. There was a legend that Tarun's red kite could not be cut. He had the same kite since the last 3 sankrantis. Thats 3 years! Tanay and Sujit had some gyan to share on this one too..

"He has 10 more kites of the same colour at home. He cant be using the same kite since 3 years now, can he?", Tanay said
"Arre hes good, I am telling you na.. They teach kite-flying in schools in Aurangabad", Sujit said.
"Nahi re, its the manja* that he uses. Something fishy about it ", Tanay added
"He applies coal tar on it, I have heard", said Sujit.
* kite string

I believed every word they said. Infact they even tried to come up with plans to take the red kite down. Ofcourse, their plans mostly involved spaceships and aliens coming to our rescue..

Meanwhile Tarun kept on taking down my kites. I couldnt stay up for more than 5 minutes. He would close in to my kite and cut it down.

That Diwali, I visited my native. I was there for 10 days or so. Everytime I visit the native, there is Babya to keep me company. Now Babya is atleast 10 years elder to me, but then as it happens in villages, innocence stays with you for a long time. So when I was 13, he must have been 23,but we were great friends. I asked him if he knew how to fly kites.
"Arre champion hoto me" I was a champion he said in his adulterated gavti marathi..
"Will you teach me?"
"Kashala? Manja ne hath kapli na"Why? Manja will cut your hand.

I persisted and he like all good friends was ready to help.

For the next 10 days he taught me all the tricks that there were to learn, my favourite being the 'Dip-n-lift'. In this trick, you have to let go of the manja, let the kite dip and then all of a sudden with all your might pull the manja so that the kite rises up and cuts the string of your competitors kite.. But its a dangerous trick because if not done correctly, you might lose control and consequently your kite. But more importantly, this trick almost always cuts your finger. When I left my native that november night, I gifted him a spool of manja and two kites.

That Sankranti I climbed up the terrace with my two tailed half pink and half yellow kite.. I saw Tarun standing on the terrace of the neighbouring building flying his red kite with the long tail... I checked the direction of the wind as Babya had shown me and then started to fly the kite.. Barely five minutes later I had Tarun's red kite closing in. I tried to escape him.. I wanted to practice the dip-n-lift a couple of times before actually trying it out on Tarun. I tugged the manja towards the left, the kite rushed towards the right away from the red kite. Tarun followed the kite. Again I tugged at the string, my kite drifted towards right.. Again Tarun's kite followed me.

He got on the top of me, ready to cut my new kite... suddenly I let go.. I gave the dheel.. The kite started dipping.. Tarun seemed confused. That was enough for me.. I pulled the manja with all the strength my right hand could gather.. My pink-yellow kite soared into the sky, tearing the air apart, like a rocket does.... and then- snap! I heard it.. I swear I did!

Know when you prick a balloon? It happened to me. I could see Tanay on the terrace of the building far north dancing like there where ants in his pants.. Sujit was with him, he was doing the cartwheel.. I looked down at my feet.. There were two drops of blood.. and then the third one.. my index finger was cut and was bleeding..

I looked at Tarun standing on the adjacent terrace. He looked like he was gonna cry.. I looked at the manja in his hand.. It was slack! Then for the first time, I looked towards the sky... There was my kite!! I did it..!! I cut Tarun's kite..

kapli kapli kapli.. The kids of the zhopadpatti ran..

P.S. - Inspired from Khalied Hosseini's The kite runner... The kite fighters...SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend
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The best blog of 2008..!

Finally.. Finally an award.. Finally someone recognised my literary genius and decided to award one of my blogposts and the best blog of 2008!

Now I never got an award.. Except the science quiz award in the 7th and the 9th grade. My friends still wonder how I got it since I was one of those guys who thought H2O was a Pub in South Mumbai.. When I got older, I realised H2O is the formula for water. Then I came across H2O2, logic suggested that if H2O is water then H2O2 must be cold water or ice water (btw, its hydrogen peroxide and its got nothing to do with water, warm, cold or otherwise).

Coming back to awards, so I was your regular kinda guy, not many knew my name, especially guys.. They had no idea who I was and what I was doing in their class..

The pretty girls however knew my name, my surname, the colour of my underwear, the pizza toppings I liked the most and stuff like that.. You cant blame them, with my Greek-God like looks and a body which would make Hrithik Roshan seem unfit(you feel an incredible urge to check my orkut profile, dont you?) its only fair that they fell for me!

So where was I? Yeah, the award. I would like to thank my mom, my dad, my sister, cousins and their cousins, my readers(which mostly comprises of my cousins), my net provider mtnl, Mseb, Emran Hashmi and KJo.. thank you all for the inspiration and stuff.. sob* gonna cry..

Jokes apart, Chriz has been one of my first blog mates. I think we started out together, we are almost the same age in blogosphere. The name Chronicwriter fits him perfectly, he writes more posts in one month than I do in 12 months!! The quality of his funny posts is amazing. His popularity can be gauged by the fact that he has over 50 followers on his blog and has more than 1 lakh hits!!

Thank you chriz for this award!
And I also thank my readers whose comments, praise and criticism I highly value. I wouldnt have reached here hadnt it been for you guys!
Cheers! The best blog of 2008..!SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend
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Top 10 movies (2000-2008)

Its here!!!!

The BIG DADDY of all polls.. from Aaj tak to IBN 7, this poll beats them all.. er.. kuch jyada toh nahi ho gaya?

But seriously.. after entering the data for your favourite movies, finding the average and then ranking them, I have come up with the TOP 10 hindi movies of this Millennium..

The people who participated in the poll range come from differnt walks of life.. from catwalk to rampwalk, from slumdog to millionaire, from Hrithik Roshan to Harman I hope you get the point.

The people who voted for their favourite movies includes Engineers, Phds, dentist, a few MBA blokes, and a few other essesntially jobless people like me (yeah, I have voted too!)

The Methodology (Transparency mangta hai!)
Before we start the listing, lemme tell you how I did it! (no rocket science this!) I took in all your entries and gave them points according to their Ranks.. For eg -
1. XXX (no, not tht kinda movie, this is just an eg)
2. YYY
10. ZZZ

I gave 1 point to the movie ZZZ, YYY got 9 points, while XXX got 10 points... In the end all the points were added and divided by the number of entries to get the average score.. (Did I bore you guys? Well, I got 98.37 in CAT, wht did u expect? :P) Obviously the max score by any movie will not be more than 10 (considering the same movie tops every list)

So here goes the list.. In countdown fashion...

Rock On!
Year of Release: 2008
Points scored: 2.17

Rock on!!!! Hai yeh waqt ka ishaaara... I havent seen this movie, but the very fact that it has managed to notch the #10 spot just on the dum-khum of its theatre performances alone(I dont think it has been released in a big way on TV) says a lot about the calibre of this movie..

I was pestered a lot by my female friends to watch this movie, but then I argued that it was fun for them to watch a bunch of topless guys jump into the lake and stuff.. All us guys were left with was Prachi Desai (who is she anyway?). But still, its commendable that Rock On has is on the list, even though movies like Jaane Tu.. havent even found a place on the Top 15..

Rock on! Farhan Akhtar makes an appearance on this countdown, definitely not for the last time...

Year of Release: 2005
Points scored: 2.35

Beating Rock On by a very small margin is the artsy movie - B-L-A-C-K.. Power packed performances by Amitabh Bacchan and Rani Mukherjee made this movie appear on the #9 spot.. Sanjay Leela Bhansali went one step ahead of his Khamoshi (Salman khan, Manisha Koirala) stunt and made the female lead- blind, deaf and mute.. It gave enough scope to Rani to showcase her talent..

Back in 1998 when KKHH was released, if anyone said that the girl in the short yellow skirt will do a role like that, I would have thrown my caramel popcorn(what? guys cant like caramel?) at his Goddamn face...

All in all, good movie, and gives a chance to AB to make an appearance..

Hera Pheri
Year of Release: 2000
Points scored: 2.47

Know whats a classic? This is!! Hera Pheri is to school going kids today what Andaz Apna Apna was for our generation.. (Shit that makes me sound old! )

Hera Pheri is truly a classic.. You can watch it again and again and again.. never gets old.. It was a breakthrough movie for all the actors.. Paresh Rawal wouldnt be charging more than what Bobby Deol charges for two movies had it not been for his Baburao Ganpatrao Apte role.. "Uthalele re baba.. aare mujhe nahi, enn dono ko!" he haw haw.. rotfl
It made Akshay Kumar what he is today.. Had it not been for this movie he still wud have been doing his "Churake dil teraaa.. goriya chali..." routine.. after the song there wud be a fight where akki wud show his Bankok-trained-martial-arts-kicks.. After that a rone dhone wala scene then again a song.. and so on and so forth..

This movie made Suniel Shetty what he is to be honest, hes the only one who hasnt benefited much from this movie.. but for his acting skills hes still God damn famous..

All in all, for me, one of Indias funniest movies..

Year of Release: 2001
Points scored: 2.76

It hurts.. It hurts to see a movie of such calibre come up so low down the order..

It hurt when it didnt win the Oscars.. If Slumdog millionaire (more on it later) wins an Oscar for best movie, I will sue the firangi judges.. If Slumdog wins an Oscar for best music for Rahman, I say he should get atleast 5 more Oscars for his past work..

Bhuvans team beat the Firangs in an impossible match, but the firangis took revenge and beat them at the end.. (I am mad at them.. that is why I make no sense).

Aamir Khan, Rehman, Ashutosh Gowariker.. all of them make the first appearance on the countdown..

Lagaan... Goosebumps! Whatta movie..!

Year of Release: 2004
Points scored: 3.06

Surprise! Surprise! And a pleasant one! It was Ashutosh's very next movie after Lagaan and all of us had high hopes.. I guess we were expecting a cricket match at the end of this one too.. Girls didnt wanna see SRK looking like a geek.. Thats the problem with the actor.. Hes always SRK.. that has never been Aamir's problem.. When hes Bhuvan, hes Bhuvan.. But with SRK thrs always that persona that makes him SRK - the star.. that cant be too good for an actor, never is!

Swades is by far the weakest box office performer on this top 10, but the fact that people like it this much to place it on #6 speaks volumes bout this movie..

Btw, there is this scene in the movie where SRK is travelling in the train back to Kaveri umma's place, the train halts at a station.. A kid with a really heavy pot of water is pacing up and down the platform.. Hes selling water at 50 paise per glass, SRK being the NRI drinks bottled water.. but for that kid he makes and exception.. That is pretty much the scene where he becomes truly Indian.. I started respecting Srk the actor after that..

Jab we met
Year of Release: 2007
Points scored: 3.17

Are you kidding me? Comeon now? This is a good movie, but at #5? really?

There is this thing actors have.. When they are involved off screen, the chemistry dies on-screen.. thats what happened with Shahid-Kareena all this while..

Once they broke up, they gave us Jab we met! Its a cute movie, really is, but #5, really?

Chalo aacha hua, issi bahane Shahid and Kareena made an appearance on the Top 10..

Rang De Basanti
Year of Release: 2006
Points scored: 3.35

Ting Ting Tinga Ting.. basanti... Rahman again! Aamir again! Very different from the movies you normally get to see.. I still dont know what I feel for this movie.. I mean I dunno if I support what the movie protrays or not.. But one thingI know for sure, it captured the imagination of the youth...

I distinctly remember to-be doctors took to the streets when reservations were introduced for medicine seats.. I remember how they took the blows the police dealt them.. And when those photos came out in the papers next day, one could see the bravery that these 20 something doctors showed for their rights.. RDB in that sense is a classic..

Chak De India
Year of Release: 2007
Points scored: 4.29

The BIG 3... The reason why I call the top 3 - BIG, is coz of the difference in the scores. Look at #4 and #3.. The difference in the scores is almost 1 point.. That shows these 3 movies are a class apart.. They are on the list of almost everyone who polled..

Chak De! Very similar to the Hollywood movie miracle.. But it had a surreal feel to it.. Among India's best underdog movies.. It made celebrities of the 11 girls who played the roles of hockey players.. SRK with all his newly built muscle-chusle played the coach who was once the captain of the Indian Hockey team..

It had everything to keep us interested..

Taare Zameen Par
Year of Release: 2007
Points scored: 4.47

Again Aamir Khan makes an appearance.. But this film clearly belonged to Darsheel Safary.. The kid clearly needs braces, but can act.. I mean think bout sharing screen time with Aamir.. it gotta be tough yaar..

It made the girls go aawww.. It made the mummies cry.. Hard hearted men, who spent half their lives duping people hurried to the loo to cry there where no one saw them.. And yeah there were a few emotionally dyslexic ones who couldnt get what the big deal bout being dyslexic was!! Abhishek Bacchan was dyslexic.. and he turned out well.. almost.. Cant be sure after the Drona debacle.. How come Drona didnt make it to the list? :P

Dil Chahta Hai
Year of Release: 2001
Points scored: 5.29

The baap of all movies big and small.. Guess what? Aamir again!! Farhan makes a re-entry.. And even Akshaye Khanna gets to be on the list.. I mean who wud have thought that..

The success of this movie is evident from the fact that it is the only movie with an score of over 5 points!! Only 10 % of the total voters didnt have DCH on their lists.. rest all did!

Cult Classic is what is DCH! The weird thing bout Aamir is that out of all the movies he has done after 2000, only Fanna and Mangal Pandey dont feature on the list.. In his defence, he does only one movie per year.. Emran Hashmi has done more movies than Aamir has for crying out loud!!

All in all.. DCH is a movie we will watch with our kids and even they will identify with it (hopefully).

Some interesting facts:
* Sandhya, Harish and Aditi had 7 movies out of the Top 10 on their lists. Sandhya and Harish are among my closest friends! Its weird how similar they are! But the closest among them was Sandhya, around 12 points, its almost as if she knew what the list is gonna be like!!!
Update : Neeraj got 8 movies right.. so that makes him the closest to the final list.. Sorry Sandhya, move over, we have a winner!! (Counting mistake ho gaya tha.. my bad!!)
* Why hasnt Emran Hashmi made the list?
* There were around 40 movie nominations.. Such varied people had participated!
* Why hasnt Emran Hashmi made the list?
*Shweta had the least common list.. Only two of her TOP 10 matched the final Top 10
* A wednesday came in 11th (Thought it deserved a special mention)
* #12 .Sarkar
#13. Lage Raho Munnabhai
# 14. Kal ho na ho
12, 13, and 14 had the same scores (1.47) the ranks were then finally decided based on the number of lists they had found mention on.. sarkar was on 7 lists, lage raho on 5 and kal ho na ho on 4 (Kal ho na ho? sersly? I have too many girls voting :P)
* Why hasnt Emran Hashmi made the list?

Special Thanks :
* To Shruti for reminding me that today is the day that I had to post the Top 10 list. Its 3 am in the morning as I write this..
* To Purnima for that amazingly long and interesting mail explaining why particular movies were on your list and why a few others werent..
* To Everyone who took their time out to vote..
* To Emran Hashmi well... you just make us laugh man!!! Dil royee ya Illahi.. tu aaja mere maahi... Top 10 movies (2000-2008)SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend
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16 letters to the editor  

Part 3 (final and concluding part) of the "Hey Dog" trilogy.(Yeah, just like MATRIX!!)
Read the Part 1 -Hey Dog (The original dog!) here..
Read the Part 2 -Hey Dog (Dog's day out!) here..
Read the Part 3 - Hey Dog (The return of the wise one) here..
(No reference between the three, just like MATRIX!!)

There is this old dog who has made my building's garage his home. He spends the day lazing around, sleeping, wagging flies off his tail.. Sometimes he takes a stroll around the building, to check if everything is right in his kingdom.

Whenever I get out of the house to buy maggi rice noodles (Its addictive I tell you) hes there, looking at me.. As if saying- "Too much noodles is not good for you bow wow.."

Last week he shifted home from the garage to infront of my door. Now he lazes around sitting in front of the door. Whenever I open the door, hes there..

One day while I was leaving home to buy another pack of you-know-what.. I opened the door and stepped out, by mistake I stepped on the dog's tail..

"Bow wow wow.. ", he yelped..
I was confused. I didnt realise I had stepped on its tail..
"Whats wrong? You hungry doggy woggy?", I said (Note: I dont usually talk like tht)
"Bow wow bow wow.."
"Bow wow.. step off my tail you frickin moron!!"

I realised then that my right foot was on his tail.
"I am sooo sorry.. I didnt realise tht.. I didnt.. Dog!!Did you just talk?"
"Bow? Bow wow wow.. Bow wow!"
"Kid me not.. I heard you talking.."
"damn it.. "
"Wow.. A talking dog!"

"Wht do you mean a talking dog? all dogs can talk! All you need to do is step on their tails.." "Really? Step on their tails and they talk??!"
"Yeah.. either that or they bite.. one of the two for sure.."
"Oh.. darn.. Why didnt you bite?"

"I am too bored to bite.. I am old.. Plus I have cavities in my pre-canines.."
"Oh.. sucks.. er.. actually its good.. or else you would have bit me.. I really dont like the fact that when you bite humans the poor souls have to get 7 injections.."

"It was 14 when I was young.. And I think something is wrong with you humans, I have bitten Damnu, changu and mangu.. they never had to take any injections.."

"Oh.. why did you bite them?"
"They were eyeing my fourth wife..Ah..she was a Pomeranian.. I always had a thing for Polish beauties.."
"You guys have 4 wives?!!"

"4 wives and 3 mistresses.."

"3 mistresses? Shouldnt you be calling them you bitch-tresses?! hahahh snort..hahaha.."

"Watch your tongue.. I might be old, but wont take a word against my women.."
"Wow.. and by women you mean bitches.. hahaah.. hehe.. hahahaha.."
"Grrr.." , The dog bared his teeth..

"Sorry sorry.. I wont say a word now.. So, whats with 7 bitches mate? You must be a stud when young.."
"Hmm.. I kinda was, but you know how it is, we get more distinguished with age.. Young bitches want dogs who are well settled and respected.."
"Wow.. Its kinda like that even here.. Case in point : Richard Gere. He gets all the good ones.."
"Yeah.. saw his photo in the paper once.. kissing some girl.."
"She was Shilpa Shetty.."
"Yeah.. She won Big Brother in the UK, didnt she?"
"Gee.. You know so much.."

"I used to sleep outside The Times of India in my early years.."

"Wow.. I could use your help.. My GD- PIs are coming up.."

"Anytime mate.."

So it had come down to this, taking a dogs help for mba entrance prep!

"Anyways mate, I gotta go.. have a date..See her there?"

"That white dog?"
"Shes a BITCH you idiot.."

"Oh.. sorry.."

"I dont look at your girl and say - that MAN, do I?"

"Really sorry.. I look down there.. at her.. er.."

"Dont you dare look there.. or you ll be dog meat... and that dog would be me!"
"I didnt mean to.. er.."

"Dont you see her curvy shape, her lovely doe eyes, even her whiskers are so cute.."

"Er.. I.. I.. I am not much into bitches you know.."
"Anyways, I dont have time for stupid humans like you.. I have a date.."
"What do you do on a date, if you dont mind me asking.. As in, apart from the licking and smelling each other's you know what.."

"Oh, we havent got there yet.. We are just getting to know each other.."
"I see.. So what are you gonna do today? Going some place swanky?"

"Lemme see, first we will chase a few trucks, then maybe cross the road and scare a few drivers, after that I will take her to Hiranandani, some garbage cans they have, I tell you.. You should take your girl there sometime..."

"Umm.. I dont think she will be interested in garbage much.."

"Dont be so sure..!! Shes interested in you!!! bow wow woowwhoww..."
"Dont you have to go chase cars or something?"

"Yeah.. my bitch is waiting.. bye then.."

"Yeah, ..Even I have to buy stuff.."
"Too much Chinese noodles is not good for your health btw.."
"Umm, is it? People in China always eat Chinese food , ofcourse, there they just call it food.. The point being nothing happens to them.."

"They dont grow tall.. Someone like you would be tall, dark and handsome there.. or atleast tall, dark.."

"Hmm.. so I will reduce my noodles intake. Thanks 'wise one'. Can I call you that?"

"Is it sarcastic?"

"Pretty much..."



As I watched them walk away into the sunset, I couldnt help think of a similar pair in the human context..

Yes, Richard Gere and Shilpa Shetty.. mrgreen Hey Dog: The return of the wise one (Part 3)SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend
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10 letters to the editor  

I love the whole world : The song rocks

She stood there on the bridge looking at the green ocean below.. He stood beside her, looking at her.. The cars wizzed past them.. Cement rails seperated the walkway from the busy freeway... Its weird that on the busy 6-lane bridge, they were all alone..The wind played with her hair, not letting them stay in place.. She tucked a strand behind her ear.. He wished he could do that for her...

"Why is the ocean green?", she asked innocently..
"Oh.. thats coz of green algae.. Algae is responsible for 70% of the world's total oxygen through photosynthesis.. ", he answered.. Too much reading does that to you...
"Kya re.. You are such an engineer..."
"Oh.. so you want the not-so-scientific answer.."
"Yeah.. "
"Hmm.. Well, the ocean is green with envy.."
"With Envy?", she asked, kinda surprised to hear that..
"Yeah.. It envies me.."
"You? Why? What have you got that he doesnt..?"
"I got you..", he smiled..
"Oh.. Thats so mushy.. ", she said trying to supress a blush..
"I ll never get girls! When I give her a scientific answer, she calls me nerdy.. When I give her a romantic answer, she calls me a softie! Girls I tell you!"
"Its so beautiful na.. the ocean..I like the ocean.. and the mountains.."
"You know what I like?"
"That line never gets old!"
"Wants you to break into a song, doesnt it?"
hummiyaa... hummiyaa.. hummiyaa... hummiyaa..
To be sung on The Discovery channel: I love the world theme..
The Pink lines are to be sung by the girl (If you have a girl around that is!) The blue ones are to be sung by the guy!! (

hummiyaa... hummiyaa.. hummiyaa... hummiyaa..
I love the ocean..
I love the mountains..
I love the birds that fly..
I love the fountains..
I love the whole world,
its such a perfect place..
hummiyaa... hummiyaa.. hummiyaa... hummiyaa..
hummiyaa... hummiyaa.. hummiyaa... hummiyaa..

I love when you look at me..
I love the deep blue sea..
This is where memories rest..
My thoughts be undressed..
I love the whole world,
its such a lovely place..
hummiyaa... hummiyaa.. hummiyaa... hummiyaa..
hummiyaa... hummiyaa.. hummiyaa... hummiyaa..

I love the beach sand..
I love when you hold my hand...
I wish we could live here...
Your wish.. My command..
I love the whole world,
its such a perfect place..
hummiyaa... hummiyaa.. hummiyaa... hummiyaa..
hummiyaa... hummiyaa.. hummiyaa... hummiyaa..

I love the setting sun..
I wish it could wait a while..
I love the winters..
I love your dimpled smile..
I love the whole world,
its such a lovely place..
hummiyaa... hummiyaa.. hummiyaa... hummiyaa..
hummiyaa... hummiyaa.. hummiyaa... hummiyaa..

Whenever we can...We gonna sing this song..
I am astonished, how did we work this on!
Arent we getting late.. now that the sun has set..
Its just six twenty.. I m so sure I can bet..
hummiyaa... hummiyaa.. hummiyaa... hummiyaa..
hummiyaa... hummiyaa.. hummiyaa... hummiyaa..

I love the whole world,
its such a lovely place..
hummiyaa... hummiyaa.. hummiyaa... hummiyaa..
hummiyaa... hummiyaa.. hummiyaa... hummiyaa..

"That was great!"
"Care to do it again?"

hummiyaa... hummiyaa.. hummiyaa... hummiyaa..
hummiyaa... hummiyaa.. hummiyaa... hummiyaa.. I love the whole world : The song rocksSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend
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8 letters to the editor  

I wanted to do this... Make a list of all time hit hindi movies. Why u ask? well.. coz I have nothing else to do! But then I realised that was too much work.. So I decided on this, short and sweet.. List of top 10 hindi movies in the 2000s..
I have pre-selected the movies for you, so it makes it easier for you guys. Also you wouldnt have to come across movies like "Reshma ki Jawani" or "Bhutiya Haveli" so it also makes the selection faster. For my friends whose list would mainly comprise of movies like Reshma ki.. (you know who you are), my sincere apologies

Accha.. so I hope you guys have got what we gotta do - Go to the link below, rank your movies and mail them to me, cool?

Go here-

Thanks guys..
Take care
Have fun Top 10 hindi movies of the last 8 years (2000-2008)SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend
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16 letters to the editor  

The Judge's daughter

Short story

She joined school after the first midterm in the 8th grade.. Public schools are pretty strict when it comes to joining school on time. Her dad must a big shot, Rahul thought..

She was cute, petite, had short shoulder length hair.. She was confident, very sure of herself...

The class teacher introduced her as Kritika Rajan.. Kritika gave a friendly smile..

noticed her cute dimples.. Now Rahul wasnt a dimples guy.. never was.. But he couldnt stop staring at her as she smiled. Rahul was the tallest guy in the class, so he always took the last bench, Kritika took the third bench. Good for him, coz he could steal a glance or two everytime she smiled and those dimples flashed..

She had asked Rahul for his Geometry notes.. Apparently, Rahul's teachers had high regard for the guy, they had suggested Kritika to get his notes to cover up for all the portion she had missed the last semester.. Rahul was obviously too happy to help...
She came fuming to Rahul the next day...
"I dont get your handwriting.."
"Arre, samjha woh likh.. baki drawing nikal! hehawhaw"
"Shut up.."
Clearly, it was not the right time..
"Okay, what didnt u get?"
"This word - 'cle' Whats tht?"
"cle- cle means 'circle'!!Thats called Rahul shorthand!!" Rahul shrugged..
"Ooookay.. whats 'rle'?"
"Oh.. and 'tle' is er.. triangle?"
"Way to go girl.."
"Oh.. hmm.. hey, can u please wait after school to help me understand more of your shorthand? Please! Pretty please!"
Now how could anyone say no to that!!

That evening, among congruent and similar triangles, she opened up to him.. She talked bout her favourite movies, the sitcoms she watched, how much she loved Tv and why..

Rahul never met her father, but was pretty sure she was her father's daughter.. She was honest, strong willed, tough..
Her dad was a high court judge, and now was on the special bench for political cases. He must be an honest guy.. They dont transfer someone at a post that high that often.. Kritika later told him that she had changed 5 schools in the last 7 years. She had stayed in Nagpur, Aurangabad, Solapur, Pune and now mumbai.. she hadnt spent more than 2 years at any one place. She had very few friends, most of them in Pune, where her dad was last placed.

There was this place behind the school building.. It was like a very small playground, with a single swing, a slide, an incredibly small see-saw and a cement bench, for the teacher to sit and govern the pre-primary kids... He had seen the kids play there in the small sandy place. It seemed big when he saw them kids play there, but now that Rahul was sitting there waiting for her, the place seemed too small.. kinda cosy..

She came, she wore a pink sweater.. weird are these ppl who come from Pune.. After the freezing cold of Pune, they still find the need to wear sweaters in Mumbai! But then, Rahul didnt mind, she looked hot in that pink sweater..

"You have cute dimples.."
"Your dimples.. they are cute.."
Its weird how a girl who is that tough around others melts when shes around someone she likes..
"No they are not..", she tried to look away, trying to suppress a blush..
"Yes they are.."
"Noooo", the more she tried not to, the more she blushed..
"Yes they are.."
"No, they arent.."
"Yes they are"

The Judge's daughter she was..., she liked winning arguments, but she liked him too..., she could let him win this one...

Back in school they behaved like total strangers.. Ofcourse there was a glance here and a wink there.. but they made sure not to come within 1 metre of each other.. The fact that no one knew about them made it more thrilling!

They started meeting every evening behind the school after school..
She always wore that pink sweater, now, even more coz she knew Rahul liked it on her..
"You got nice hair.. and pretty eyes.."
Its weird how naive these 8th grade boys are! No creativity they got I tell you..
"Nooo.. No one has told me that before.."
"Well, I am telling you now.."
"No, they arent that pretty.."
"Yes they are.."

The Judge's daughter she was..., she liked winning arguments, but she liked him too..., she could let him win this one...

December days get kinda chilly, even in Mumbai.. That day it was a bit chilly.. Even Rahul wore a sweater to school that day.. he normally thought he was too cool to wear one! He looked at Kritika who was sitting on the third bench.. she looked lovely as ever..

He kept looking at her throughout the Geometry and Science class.. Restlessness grew within him as last lecture of the day was approaching.. He wanted to be alone with her.. Talk bout stuff.. bout what he loved.. his fears.. his dreams...

The bell rang.. After everyone had left the school, he went to the playground at the back of the building..
She was sitting there.. The golden sun rays of the evening sun were falling on her face.. her dark hair looked golden brown in the sunlight.. It was very cold, she was wearing her pink sweater.. He could stand there looking at her all his life..

She looked at him.. Something wasnt right.. or so it seemed..
He sat beside her..

"Whats wrong.."
"My dad’s getting transferred.."
"Yep..This is my last week in the school.. My dad will be transferred to Nagpur"

She was taking it amazingly well..

"What? But it has been only three months!"
"Oh.. I know"
"You wont miss me?"
"No, why?."

This was weird.. didn’t she feel anything for him..

"Not even a little?"
"Umm.. a little.. maybe.."
He saw a mischievous twinkle in her eyes..

"You liar.. You not going anywhere, are you.."
"I sooo got you there..haha"
"Stop laughing meano.."
"Nahi re, my dad is getting transferred.. But I am staying with my Grandmom.. "
"I m not even talking to you.."
"Aaww, I am so sorry re.. sorry sorry sorry.. "

She must have said sorry bout 9 times.. And there must be guys reading this thinking that it doesn’t make things better.. but trust me, it does..

Rahul’s heart melted..

Its not fair.. Men were made taller and stronger.. Men fight, eat with their hands, drink from the carton.. What was bout these girls that made men all soft inside.. damn..

"Not fair..You cant do it to me.. I like you"

It was the first time he said that to her. Both of them knew it, but it was the first time he said it to her..

"I like you too.. more than you like me.. "
"No, I like you more.."

"No, I like you more.. "
"Nope, I do.."

The Judge's daughter she was..., she liked winning arguments, but she liked him too..., she could let him win this one...

She smiled, Rahul’s heart melted. He had won the argument.. But something he lost.. And he was not sure what..

She held his arm close to her and placed her head gently on his shoulders…

Last time I saw them, they were just 14 year olds, with dreams in their eyes.. and maybe.. one day... they got married...., and had kids and yes..., like all good stories go.. They lived happily ever after...

I am a sucker for happy endings.. Something didnt seem right in the last story. So I changed the ending..Happy New Year Guys..:)
The Judge's daughterSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend
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21 letters to the editor  

The problem with having friends who work for software companies is that very few of them are actually placed in Mumbai.. I have close friends - one of whom is placed in pune, and this girl whos currently residing in Delhi.. Lets call them Harry and sweety, not to conceal their identity or anything, but just for fun..

So they arent jobless free souls like me.. they are pretty much 9 to 5 guys.. when my sunday evenings are spent playing cricket in the field, it comes as a surprise to me that these guys chat their hearts out on the net.. In other words they do the pretty same things on a Sunday evening what they do the rest of the days. To be honest thats what I do too during weekdays, but atleast there they are getting paid for it..

So this particular Sunday, I was winning the game for my team singlehandedly(some guys think I am Sehwag, with a really bad wig.. whtever!)

So after hitting around a dozen and a half boundaries, I checked my cell for any congratulatory messages..

There were two, but they werent congratulatory..They were what is see as FRANTIC
One was by Harry - Abbe kahan hai? You are needed here..
Second was by sweety - Kahan ho aap? Online aao na.. (Note that she uses the Delhi lingo- aap and all. If in Mumbai you call someone aap, they start laughing at your faces)

I wondered what important work these guys got with me.. I hurriedly completed my triple century (what? the boundaries were short!) and rushed into my abode.. logged in.. I sent a conference request to them.

Sweety has joined Harry has joined
Arshat(thts me btw):


Harry: all 3 here..
oye? kya hua? something serious?
abbe nahi.. timepass..

wht the? Man.. I thought u were getting married..
Harry: who me?

yeah.. both of you..
Harry: hehehe.. or worse, to each other!
Arshat: I think you guys will make a lovely pair! ;)
his mom wud kill me..

Arshat: harry? ur mom does that to women you marry?
oh not now.. she has improved by miles..

see sweety? she doesnt kill them now.. I think you shud give this a try..
nahi re.. she has plans for her future daughter-in-law.. n i dnt fit in thm..

why? his mom feels you arent sexy enough? as in for him.. (Raunchy is my usp)

God! you guys!

hahahaha.. seriously funny.. I just imagined my mom say tht!- "sweety isnt sexy enuf fr u!"
I thout u were scared of your mother...

And what gave u tht idea?
Sweety: Parent teacher meetings..
Harry: oh that! That was 10 years ago.. Baccha abhi bada ho gaya hai..
And he aint talkin metaphorically..
Harry: Infact I had a forced convo with my parents a few yrs ago, thy said i cud marry whomever i like..
Good.. but harry, tht sumhow has nevr been our problem.. the one whom we like never likes us back!- thts the problem..
hehehhe.. kuch bhi..

aur bolo.. hows life?
Sweety: Harry is having fun.. n will start working on a new project..
And sweetys college is on as usual..

You guys knw so much bout each other.. and u say u dont wanna get married :P
Btw, hows sally?

(Sally btw, is the 4th pillar of table? She stays in Mumbai. Harry, sally, sweety and me are frds frm school..)

Shes good..
Phd huh?

Arshat: Yeah.. good college too..
Sahi re..

But I aint calling her a doctor before she gives me a treat..
I am lousy friend aint I?
(Trust him to come up with the silliest question, with no reference whatsoever)
You bet.. the worst I got.. (Trust me to come up with the silliest answer)
chup re arshat.. nahi u r a good frd harry.. y do u say dat?

yeah..whts got into u?
No.. I mean, i dont call, scrap or mail you guys..

Oh.. cant comment on that.. I m a bigger defaulter there ..
Nahi re, I have so many calls free.. and messages free..

u do?
even STD is free..

stop bragging popat, this aint helping your status as a lousy frd :P
Harry: I dont know whats going on in sallys life.. Its been ages since I called her..
Arshat: hmm.. but your credibility isnt dependent on callin her alone.. as in, u always ask bout her when u call me, and she always asks bout u when she calls me..
Sweety: yeah, frdshp is nt all bout callin scrappin and emailing, its bout comfort..
Arshat: hmm.. we hav stuck ard for the last 10 yrs right?..and I dont think we have done tht bad.., I just want you guys to know, phone calls or no phone calls, mails or no mails, we will remain friends forever... I soooo miss u guys.. Do I sound like a girl..?
Harry: yes u do..
Sweety: tht girl..
Arshat: wht girl?
Harry: She knows bout her mate...
Arshat: u told her? kya yaar..!!#$%
Harry: she forced it outta me!
Arshat: yeah.. right..
Sweety: ya ya.. i m very forceful :P
Arshat: oh dear..
Sweety: toh bolo bolo.. give me all the details?
Harry: look at her go.. she wants all the gossip doesnt she!
Arshat: arre thr is nuthing to say...
Sweety: u like her..
Arshat: her who?
Sweety: her.. HER! u like her..
Arshat: this is so 7th gradeish...guys, i m going home..
Harry: hey even i need to go, office tomo..
Sweety: yeah me too, coll early morn..
Harry: hmm bye then..
Sweety: byeee...
Arshat: bye.. take care.. have fun..:)

The problem with good friends is that no matter how far we stay away from each other, we are
somehow very close.. sometimes too close for comfort mrgreen
But yeah, its fun, the only time it is not fun is when the joke's on me.. which is most of the times redface
But seriously, you guys have been great.. And I risk sounding like a girl here, but I soooo miss u guys..
Take care u guys, and remember - I am just a frantic message away
smile Of friends, Conference chat and sounding like a girl..SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend
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14 letters to the editor  

Silver in my teeth : One hour at the dentist

I have been a little busy over the last few days.. not that you miss me not blogging or anything, but just felt you would like to know.. Did I hear you asking why am I busy? (Well, dont answer, I am on the other side of the screen and I cant hear you.. sorry)

So, I got my tooth cavity filled.. I have been blessed with a good set of teeth, I have never had any problems so never had to visit a dentist ever.. Most of my friends have spent a small fortune at the dentist after spending half a fortune on Cadbury.. I have had these guys telling me their experiences at the dentist, so I thought now that I have an experience why not share it..

Yeah yeah.. I know.. Getting your cavity filled is nothing to blog about, but if you have been playing attention, my last post was about a speaking dog.. So now that I have set really low stds for myself, I can blog about any crap that comes to my mind.. So here goes..

The place was huge and really clean.. I sat at the reception along with the other er.."patients"

"Mr. Chaudhary? You are in next..", said the receptionist.
I love being called Mr.Chaudhary.. Its so, u know, grownup..

I entered the cabin.
The dentist was a lady in her late twenties, she had a mask on her mouth, but had really pretty brown eyes and long hair.. Something told me she was a south Indian, probably Tamil.. (I have a southie fetish mrgreen)
"Umm.. Chaudhary.. Arshat Chaudhary, right?"
Man! this was like James Bond..
"Yeah.. 007"
"What? is that your phone number..? Pls fill it in here..", she said, handing me the patient card..
No sense of humour these doctors have I tell you.. (I was to be proved wrong)

I filled up all the details and then sat on the Dentist chair, which is pretty much like a barbers chair, only at an more obtuse angle....
"Heylo doctor", I said as I lay down on the chair
"Hello", she said
"I am kinda nervous.. I have never been to a dentist before.. Its my first filling"
"Oh.. Dont worry.. Its my first too"

"joke tha baba"


"I have done atleast 3 fillings before this"

"hee hee.. I meant today"

This was gonna be one long session..

What kinda filling would you like?
Umm.. Chocolate?bwhahahahah
No no.. I meant, silver or tooth coloured filling?

Hmm.. silver.. I mean, atleast I can sell it in times of need.. bwahahaha..

umm.. satish, bring the drill.. the BIG one..

She didnt like the joke it seemed..

Satish was her assistant,he seemed more than happy to get her the big drill.. He had that look on his face.. You know, the kinda look that says somebody-gonna-hurt-real-bad-tonight

The engineer in me noticed that there was a hermetically sealed compressor in the corner of the room. The engineer in me awakened (I would have liked had it awakened when I was giving my sem 7 exams)-
Hey! Thats a hermetically sealed compressor!
Hermi.. what?

Umm.. never mind.. What would you doctors do without us engineers!

She looked at me...Her eyes
didnt look pretty to me anymore.. The big drill in her hand was making grrring noises..
We will see..Now this is gonna hurt.. Dont scream..
Oh, dont worry.. We men dont scream.. we fight.. we hunt.. but we dont scream..ow ow ow..

With that it started.. The drill drilling into my tooth.. I learnt a new thing bout the human mouth that day,- If someone drills into your tooth, it will hurt!....

one more thing I learnt - If someone puts their hand inside your mouth and you dont get to close your mouth for a long time, a lotta saliva collects in your mouth..
The dentist had a female assistant whose job was to place a pipe in my mouth which wud suck out the saliva, but she wasnt doing her job properly, some of my saliva drooled onto my shirt.. I dont think her heart was in that job.. But in her defense, who would find sucking saliva outta a guys mouth interesting?!mrgreen

With a good amount of drool making my shirt wet, which btw doesnt happen too often.. It kinda happens only when I look at Salma Hayek, or when I am waiting for food to be served at a restaurant (Is that why girls dont come out with me the second time? :P) Anyways, the point is that my shirt was getting wet, and I dont like me gettin wet in public (or in private.. bathing is such a painmrgreen )
The dentist, however, was enjoying every moment of it..
"Satish, miracle mix and Zinc phosphate banana.."
Satish enthusiastically started mixing stuff that came outta weird looking bottles..

"Open wider....God.. this is the biggest cavity I have ever seen.....biggest cavity I have ever seen"
"Why did you say that twice? I am nervous already.."

"Oh.. I just said it once, the second time it was the echo!
hahahah.. Satish and the female assistant joined in..
"Yeah yeah.. very funny.."

Once the miracle mix was placed in the cavity, the job was done.. All I needed now is to get outta here...

Hmm, so Arshat, how do you like your filling?
umm.. I like it..
Good.. so if you have any other problems you can call me, my name and number is on the bill..
Yeah.. And you can call me too, my number is on the patient card..
Err.. Yeah.. right..
Wow.. this bill is kinda steep.. Dont I get a funny guy or a cute guy discount..

The dentist, satish and the female assistant gathered in a huddle to discuss my discount..
I heard satish saying - he was funny alright..
not that much - the assitant added
But that chocolate filling thing was hilarious..
yeah.. tht was good..
so what say? shud we reduce 150 rs?
150? u think he was that worth it?
okay then 100?

The dentist left the huddle- Arshat you ll be getting a 100 rupee discount..

I paid the bill.. I was happy on receiving my cute guy discount.. I know.. I know.. But its my blog, and I can say whtevr I want to... mrgreen

As I left the clinic, I thought bout the Dentist, and Satish and the female assistant.. Its a boring job that they do if you ask me, I mean what can be more boring than sucking saliva outta a guys mouth or drilling a hole through his teeth or mixing ZnPo4 and miracle mix, but the entusiasm with which they work makes me feel good bout them.. And if hadnt been for them, I wudnt have silver in my teeth!

P.S. - The dentists name was Dr. Iyer btw.. She was tamil afterall!

P.S.- I figured most of us have been watching the news about Mumbai Attacks, so I half-cooked this post up.. Hope I have managed to extract a smile or two through this post...biggrin Silver in my teeth : One hour at the dentistSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend
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20 letters to the editor